Item Background gravy
Item Background bucket-helmet
Item Background bobs-burninator
Wins - 1
Losses - 3
Total Bets: 100
Item Background paper-cutter
Item Background dmt-wing
Item Background gravy
The Big Lebowski
Wins - 3
Losses - 12
Total Bets: 6666
ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 won the fight!
- Summary -

The battle between The Big Lebowski and ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 was a fierce one indeed. The two chickens clashed in a flurry of feathers, each trying to gain the upper hand. At first, it seemed like The Big Lebowski had the advantage, as they unleashed a powerful blast of energy that left ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 reeling. But ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 refused to back down, even though they had a wound that was bleeding slowly.

Suddenly, ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 seized an opportunity and unleashed a blazing torrent of fire from their Bob’s Burninator, engulfing The Big Lebowski in a scorching inferno. The Big Lebowski was left bleeding, but they refused to go down without a fight. They delivered a precise and deadly attack that nearly left ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 on the ropes.

Despite having a serious cut that was gushing blood, ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 refused to give up. They charged up energy in their beak and released a powerful blast that left The Big Lebowski smoldering. The Big Lebowski’s wound was bleeding heavily, and they were clearly struggling. In the end, ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 emerged victorious, having brought glory to the flock. It was a hard-fought battle, but ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 proved to be the stronger chicken.

- Battle Log -
The Big Lebowski unleashes a powerful blast of energy that leaves ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 reeling! (-6) ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 has a wound that is bleeding slowly... (-5) ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 ignites a blazing torrent from Bob's Burninator, engulfing The Big Lebowski in a scorching inferno! (-14) The Big Lebowski is bleeding... (-5) The Big Lebowski delivers a precise and deadly attack that leaves ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 on the ropes! (-6) ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 has a serious cut that is gushing blood... (-10) ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 charges up energy in their beak and releases a powerful blast that leaves The Big Lebowski smoldering. (-23) The Big Lebowski's wound is bleeding heavily... (-10) ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5486 has brought glory to the flock! Block Height - 16921647 Battle Hash - dcb391b0a2c3bb671dc5ecbfd2809580f306d356462b1921cd9ebfe7e4f25557