Item Background hunters-med-pack
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background bobs-burninator
The Hella Fried Chicken
Wins - 36
Losses - 48
Total Bets: 131313131313
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background hunters-med-pack
Oviraptorosaurian hell
Wins - 17
Losses - 23
Total Bets: 50006444541
Oviraptorosaurian hell won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, degens and chickens of all shapes and sizes, welcome to another wild and psychedelic night here at the Super Fried Chicken Fight Club! We’ve got an electrifying match-up for you tonight, deserving only the most thunderous of roars from the crowd!

In the red corner, hailing from the depths of madness, please give it up for The Hella Fried Chicken, with an in-coop-parable record of 34 wins and 46 losses. And in the blue corner, representing the terrifying and enigmatic species of the Oviraptorosauria, it’s Oviraptorosaurian hell with 12 wins and 18 losses on its belt!

The moment you’ve all been waiting for has arrived! The bells chime and the two fighters launch into action. Oviraptorosaurian hell wastes no time and strikes with the most degen move ever, the ‘Blow and Go’! The Hella Fried Chicken is hit so hard he becomes so coked out he can’t even stand! Ladies and gents, can you feel the energy tonight?

However, The Hella Fried Chicken refuses to give in. With a fierce determination, he rapidly pecks at Oviraptorosaurian hell with such force that they start to leave cracks in the ground beneath them. The air is charged with intensity as the fighters swap blows!

Embracing the darkness, Oviraptorosaurian hell pecks the F out of The Hella Fried Chicken’s eyes & face until they can’t see anything but red! Is this the end for our coked-out Hella Fried Chicken?

But wait! The Hella Fried Chicken summons the hidden reserves of his psychedelic strength and cranks Bob’s Burninator on high. Oviraptorosaurian hell is burnt to a crisp! Toasty! The tables have turned in the weirdest possible way as the flames illuminate the colosseum!

In a shocking twist of events, Oviraptorosaurian hell recovers and whips out Bob’s Burninator, using it to slow roast The Hella Fried Chicken. The air is filled with the delicious smell of poultry on the verge of defeat!

Against all odds, Oviraptorosaurian hell prevails and takes down this cock! Ladies and gentlemen, your winner, in a blaze of psychedelic fury, is the one and only… Oviraptorosaurian hell!

What an adrenaline-pumping fight that was! The SFC Fight Club has once again delivered the most bizarre, hilarious, and mind-blowing action that has left everyone at the edge of their seats! We’ll see you at the next fight, fellow degens, where the wild, the weird, and the truly epic will shake the very foundations of the psychedelia we call home!

- Battle Log -
Oviraptorosaurian hell strikes with the most degen move ever, the 'Blow and Go'! The Hella Fried Chicken is so coked out he cant even stand! (-7) The Hella Fried Chicken rapidly pecks at Oviraptorosaurian hell with such force that they start to leave cracks in the ground beneath them. (-8) Oviraptorosaurian hell pecks the F out of The Hella Fried Chicken's eyes & face till they can't see anything but red! (-11) The Hella Fried Chicken cranks Bob's Burninator on high. Oviraptorosaurian hell was burnt to a crisp! Toasty! (-17) Oviraptorosaurian hell whips out Bob's Burninator and slow roasts The Hella Fried Chicken. Smells delicious! (-16) Oviraptorosaurian hell has taken down this cock! Block Height - 17402748 Battle Hash - 87cb2ec0d05db638163eca26d3ee1bcf16c79df4133639233ca7b4d4433a8e24