Ladies and gentlemen! Gather ‘round, and prepare yourselves for a heart-pounding brawl between the fearless fighters from the psychedelic world of Super Fried Chicken! In the red corner, with a record of 34 wins and 23 losses, stands the lethal and calculating Dead Eye! And in the blue corner, with a record of 73 wins and 79 losses, we present the colorful and chaotic TieTieTie DyeDyeDye!
From the get-go, Dead Eye strikes with precision, landing a series of powerful blows that leave TieTieTie DyeDyeDye reeling and unable to defend! The crowd roars as the two fighters size each other up, ready for the next bout of carnage.
But TieTieTie DyeDyeDye is not one to be underestimated. With an infuriatingly effective strategy, they proceed to tap the living daylights out of Dead Eye, who can feel the frustration mounting – is this the ultimate death by annoyance or what?
Refusing to let a few taps deter them, Dead Eye gathers their power and, like a fierce lightning bolt, releases a devastating beak blast that leaves TieTieTie DyeDyeDye smoldering on the fringes of defeat. The audience holds their breath as the fate of the fight hangs in the balance.
TieTieTie DyeDyeDye, summoning every ounce of strength left in their psychedelic being, charges forward and slams into Dead Eye with a force that could shake the very core of the SFC Fight Club colosseum! Dead Eye reels back, unsure of what just hit them, and the crowd goes wild!
And then, in a marvelous display of showmanship and skill, TieTieTie DyeDyeDye seizes the opportunity and cooks Dead Eye well done! The crowd erupts in a cacophony of cheers, enveloped in the dazzling lights of the colosseum, as TieTieTie DyeDyeDye stands triumphant!
Ladies and gentlemen, please put your wings together for the unmatched, the incredible, the indomitable winner of this wild duel – TieTieTie DyeDyeDye!
Dead Eye lands a series of powerful blows that leave TieTieTie DyeDyeDye unable to defend! (-10)
TieTieTie DyeDyeDye is tapping the living shit out of Dead Eye! The frustration is building, death by annoying tapping... (-30)
Dead Eye charges up energy in their beak and releases a powerful blast that leaves TieTieTie DyeDyeDye smoldering. (-9)
TieTieTie DyeDyeDye charges forward and slams into Dead Eye with incredible force. (-39)
TieTieTie DyeDyeDye has cooked Dead Eye well done!
Block Height - 17268164
Battle Hash - 707c40b8296dd5bc6a510a32d213624b4e1e1ec58a997600ad79057df2bdc198