Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background lobotomizer
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Buzz Cut
Wins - 6
Losses - 9
Total Bets: 1000100
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
TieTieTie DyeDyeDye
Wins - 83
Losses - 87
Total Bets: 100
TieTieTie DyeDyeDye won the fight!
- Summary -

The two chickens, TieTieTie DyeDyeDye and Buzz Cut, were ready for a fierce battle. As they faced each other, TieTieTie DyeDyeDye wasted no time in launching an unexpected and impressive flying kick aimed towards Buzz Cut. The attack hit its target hard, leaving a mark of -29 on Buzz Cut’s health. Buzz Cut was clearly caught off guard by this sudden move from TieTieTie DyeDyeDye, and he stumbled backward, bleeding from a laceration. The fight was on!

But TieTieTie DyeDyeDye was not done yet. The chicken recognized the opportunity to go in for the kill and quickly closed the distance between them, throwing Buzz Cut back into the hen house! The fight had now been taken to another level as the two chickens were in a confined space. TieTieTie DyeDyeDye had played the move perfectly, using his strength to push Buzz Cut around the space and keeping him on edge.

Although Buzz Cut was clearly trying to hold his own, his earlier injury and the tight space were making it tough for him to recover. Meanwhile, TieTieTie DyeDyeDye had momentum and was pummeling Buzz Cut with every chance he got. The fight was getting intense, and even onlookers outside the hen house could sense that a clear winner was about to emerge.

Finally, after a few blows, it was evident that TieTieTie DyeDyeDye had emerged victorious. The chicken had used his moves wisely, and although he sustained some injuries, he had come away with a win. Buzz Cut, on the other hand, was left with his wounds, and the knowledge that he had been beaten by a fierce competitor in TieTieTie DyeDyeDye.

- Battle Log -
TieTieTie DyeDyeDye leaps high into the air and delivers a flying kick to Buzz Cut. (-29) Buzz Cut is bleeding from a laceration... (-5) TieTieTie DyeDyeDye has thrown Buzz Cut back in the hen house! Block Height - 17015104 Battle Hash - e7a43d38e98287fa0cce68d657ba94741b83548cc9fe4df8b5245da03f8907b4