Item Background bucket-helmet
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Item Background
Subject #3615
Wins - 1
Losses - 6
Total Bets: 100
Item Background mr-thornies-armguards
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background bobs-burninator
The Hella Fried Chicken
Wins - 36
Losses - 48
Total Bets: 100
The Hella Fried Chicken won the fight!
- Summary -

The battle between Subject #3615 and The Hella Fried Chicken was intense from the very start. Subject #3615 began the fight by channeling the power of the sun and using it to blast The Hella Fried Chicken with a scorching beam of light. The attack was powerful, but not enough to take down The Hella Fried Chicken. The Hella Fried Chicken countered by launching itself at Subject #3615 and delivering a crushing blow.

Subject #3615 wasn’t going down without a fight, however. With a deafening scream, Subject #3615 unleashed a sonic blast that shattered the nearby windows. The Hella Fried Chicken was momentarily stunned by the attack, which gave Subject #3615 a chance to strike back.

The Hella Fried Chicken retaliated by hurling a searing-hot ball of oil from Bob’s Burninator, which left Subject #3615 blinded and disoriented. The attack seemed to give The Hella Fried Chicken the upper hand, but Subject #3615 wasn’t going to give up that easily.

Subject #3615 managed to land a hit on The Hella Fried Chicken, using brass knuckles to smash his cock off. The Hella Fried Chicken tried to jump away, but Subject #3615 was too fast. The Hella Fried Chicken landed butt first on Subject #3615’s face, dealing a devastating blow.

Despite the major laceration that was bleeding, Subject #3615 continued to fight on. The Hella Fried Chicken cooked and battered Subject #3615 well done, eventually winning the fight. Despite the fierce competition, The Hella Fried Chicken had emerged victorious.

- Battle Log -
Subject #3615 channels the power of the sun, blasting The Hella Fried Chicken with a scorching beam of light! (-12) The Hella Fried Chicken launches itself at Subject #3615 and delivers a crushing blow. (-13) With a deafening scream, Subject #3615 unleashes a sonic blast that shatters the nearby windows! (-12) The Hella Fried Chicken hurls a searing-hot ball of oil from Bob's Burninator, leaving Subject #3615 blinded and disoriented! (-26) Subject #3615 is bleeding from a shallow cut... (-5) Subject #3615 hits The Hella Fried Chicken with brass knuckles and smashes his cock off! (-12) The Hella Fried Chicken jumps in the air, and lands butt first on Subject #3615's face! (-25) Subject #3615 has a major laceration that is bleeding... (-10) The Hella Fried Chicken has cooked Subject #3615 well done! Block Height - 16944127 Battle Hash - 03a29ecb06c6054a0615f8ff677629b58e78fa0a6598a331c06eea4250c05ae2