Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background golden-tenderizer
Wins - 59
Losses - 38
Total Bets: 100
Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background
Item Background
Big Cock
Wins - 2
Losses - 4
Total Bets: 100
CK DILLA won the fight!
- Summary -

The battle between the two mighty chickens, CK DILLA and Big Cock, was a fierce one indeed. CK DILLA came out strong, using its beak to jab at Big Cock with lightning-fast pecks. Big Cock, however, was not going to go down without a fight and charged forward, slamming into CK DILLA with incredible force. The impact was enough to cause CK DILLA to stagger back and suffer a nasty gash that was bleeding.

Despite the injury, CK DILLA was not deterred and came back with a vengeance. Using its powerful Golden Tenderizer, CK DILLA was able to deliver a series of bone-crushing blows to Big Cock. The force behind the attacks was enough to cause Big Cock to falter and eventually succumb to CK DILLA’s might.

When the dust settled, it was clear that CK DILLA had emerged as the victor of the battle. With its fierce determination and powerful attacks, CK DILLA had proven itself to be a true champion.

- Battle Log -
CK DILLA uses its beak to jab Big Cock with lightning-fast pecks. (-17) Big Cock charges forward and slams into CK DILLA with incredible force. (-6) CK DILLA has a nasty gash that is bleeding... (-5) CK DILLA delivers a series of bone-crushing blows with the Golden Tenderizer! (-36) CK DILLA has crushed Big Cock! Block Height - 16935728 Battle Hash - 2760ed8f6fb70eee3a7b619ebbf3167c3fe4dcef20f1aebd0d614598052990be