Item Background frog-skin-shield
Item Background bucket-helmet
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Kiss my ass
Wins - 21
Losses - 22
Total Bets: 11100
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background frog-skin-shield
Item Background bobs-burninator
AnderSchnoz Silva
Wins - 120
Losses - 94
Total Bets: 1000100
AnderSchnoz Silva won the fight!
- Summary -

The battle between Kiss my ass and AnderSchnoz Silva was intense from the start. Kiss my ass charged forward with a fierce attack, driving AnderSchnoz Silva back with a powerful shoulder charge. However, AnderSchnoz Silva quickly retaliated, summoning a storm that pummeled Kiss my ass with giant hailstones.

Despite the damage inflicted upon Kiss my ass, the stubborn bird fought back, launching another hailstorm at AnderSchnoz Silva. As the hailstones rained down, AnderSchnoz Silva took a severe gash and started bleeding. But with no intention to back down, AnderSchnoz Silva unleashed a mighty sonic rooster morning call that deafened Kiss my ass and caused immense damage.

In the end, it was clear that AnderSchnoz Silva emerged victoriously, with Kiss my ass defeated and injured. Throughout the intense battle, both chickens demonstrated their fierce determination and fighting skills, but ultimately it was AnderSchnoz Silva who proved to be the stronger warrior.

- Battle Log -
Kiss my ass charges forward and drives AnderSchnoz Silva back with a mighty shoulder charge. (-3) AnderSchnoz Silva summons a raging storm that pummels Kiss my ass with hailstones the size of boulders! (-17) Kiss my ass is bleeding from a laceration... (-5) Kiss my ass summons a raging storm that pummels AnderSchnoz Silva with hailstones the size of boulders! (-3) AnderSchnoz Silva is bleeding from a severe gash... (-15) AnderSchnoz Silva screams out a sonic rooster morning call that blows out Kiss my ass's ear drums! (-22) Kiss my ass could use more blood... (-10) AnderSchnoz Silva wins and awaiting his next opponent! Block Height - 16931516 Battle Hash - 3f2c1815705aefca929d5ef9fc8da889353dbd7d99eb123884fe68058dde1b98