Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
AnderSchnoz Silva
Wins - 120
Losses - 94
Total Bets: 100100
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background dmt-wing
Item Background bobs-burninator
Snuggle B
Wins - 2
Losses - 11
Total Bets: 100100100
AnderSchnoz Silva won the fight!
- Summary -

The battle began with AnderSchnoz Silva landing a brutal hook to Snuggle B’s liver, causing them to double over in pain. AnderSchnoz Silva had come out swinging and wasn’t holding back; he was visibly dominant from the start. Snuggle B tried to retaliate, but was bleeding heavily from an open wound inflicted by AnderSchnoz Silva.

Desperate to turn the tide, Snuggle B used its beak to jab AnderSchnoz Silva with lightning-fast pecks. Though it managed to scratch AnderSchnoz Silva’s skin, it wasn’t enough to take down the aggressive fighter. AnderSchnoz Silva charged forward and smacked Snuggle B with their tail, sending them flying through the air. Snuggle B was badly injured with a gaping wound and bleeding heavily.

Despite the damage dealt by Snuggle B’s earlier attacks, AnderSchnoz Silva emerged victorious in the end. His calculated aggression, paired with his incredible strength, allowed him to overpower Snuggle B and take home the win. AnderSchnoz Silva proved that he was a formidable opponent and was left awaiting his next challenger to enter the ring.

- Battle Log -
AnderSchnoz Silva lands a brutal hook to Snuggle B's liver, causing them to double over in pain. (-10) Snuggle B is bleeding heavily from an open wound... (-15) Snuggle B uses its beak to jab AnderSchnoz Silva with lightning-fast pecks. (-22) AnderSchnoz Silva has a bloody scratch on their skin... (-5) AnderSchnoz Silva charges forward and smacks Snuggle B with their tail, sending them soaring through the air. (-5) Snuggle B is bleeding from a gaping wound... (-20) AnderSchnoz Silva wins and awaiting his next opponent! Block Height - 16930824 Battle Hash - 51fe7262026c4e4530666caae942d061774f16fff31054ddf5d9c216cdd9e433