The battle between Jimmy Weeb and ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5148 was intense from the beginning. Jimmy started strong by using his Bob’s Burninator to sear ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5148’s face, leaving him with a charred black chicken soup face. ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5148 fought back by flapping his wings furiously and forced Jimmy to retreat, injuring him in the process.
However, Jimmy was not one to back down without a fight. He pulled a ‘Miyagi’ move, causing ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5148 to stumble and fall to the ground, seeing stars while hearing “Wax on, wax off bitch!”. This powerful move left ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5148 with a deep cut that bled rapidly.
ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5148 fought hard but was no match for Jimmy Weeb’s skills. Even with a deep cut, Jimmy emerged as the winner of the battle, leaving ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5148 wounded and defeated. It was a fierce battle, but Jimmy Weeb proved to be the ultimate fighter in the end.
Jimmy Weeb sears ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5148's face with Bob's Burninator! Didn't know we charred black chicken soup here! (-17)
ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5148's wound is bleeding steadily... (-5)
ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5148 flaps wings furiously and forces Jimmy Weeb to retreat (-6)
Jimmy Weeb bled... (-5)
Jimmy Weeb pulls a 'Miyagi'! ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5148 is on the ground seeing stars while hearing "Wax on, wax off bitch!". (-24)
ULTIMATE FIGHTER #5148 has a deep cut that is bleeding rapidly... (-10)
Jimmy Weeb FTW!
Block Height - 16931810
Battle Hash - 29f0bcd97ea4ed4dd7b561cff53cc7d195ca28ff5ed8b6bafe4210533a1ee795