Item Background colonel-blood
Item Background beak-guard
Item Background bobs-burninator
No Neck Nick
Wins - 1
Losses - 9
Total Bets: 100
Item Background frog-skin-shield
Item Background beak-guard
Item Background bobs-burninator
Wins - 1
Losses - 1
Total Bets: 100
ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560 won the fight!
- Summary -

ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560 and No Neck Nick were engaged in a fierce battle that saw both chickens inflict significant damage on each other. ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560 started off strong, landing a devastating blow on No Neck Nick that caused blood to squirt everywhere. No Neck Nick tried to retaliate with Bob’s Burninator but was only able to cause a small puncture wound on ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560.

As the battle raged on, No Neck Nick tried to turn the tide by unleashing a giant cock-flame from Bob’s Burninator. The flame engulfed ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560, causing him to suffer significant damage. However, the resilient chicken refused to give up and continued to fight back.

ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560 launched a searing-hot ball of oil from Bob’s Burninator that left No Neck Nick blinded and disoriented. With his opponent vulnerable, ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560 seized the opportunity and emerged victorious.

Despite suffering a laceration, ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560 emerged from the battle as the winner and awaited his next opponent. It was a testament to his fighting spirit and determination that he was able to overcome the odds and emerge victorious.

- Battle Log -
ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560 just pecked No Neck Nick's beak off and blood is just squirting everywhere! (-23) No Neck Nick is bleeding from a small puncture wound... (-5) No Neck Nick pulls the trigger on Bob's Burninator and a giant cock-flame engulfs ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560. You had no plucking chance! (-11) ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560 is bleeding from a laceration... (-5) ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560 hurls a searing-hot ball of oil from Bob's Burninator, leaving No Neck Nick blinded and disoriented! (-30) No Neck Nick could use more blood... (-10) ULTIMATE FIGHTER #4560 wins and awaiting his next opponent! Block Height - 16931798 Battle Hash - f73428a79f8960d6304102e0645b0e09b8823693b28583e923610dc6999f1023