Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
Fryer of Brainz
Wins - 26
Losses - 28
Total Bets: 27000
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
Andrew Mellow
Wins - 2
Losses - 3
Total Bets: 1000100
Andrew Mellow won the fight!
- Summary -

The battle between Andrew Mellow and Fryer of Brainz was intense, each chicken delivering powerful blows in an attempt to emerge victorious. Andrew Mellow started off strong, pouring hot oil on Fryer of Brainz’s face and causing a small injury. However, Fryer of Brainz quickly retaliated, unleashing a barrage of attacks that overwhelmed Andrew Mellow and dealt a heavy blow.

Andrew Mellow refused to back down, launching itself at Fryer of Brainz and delivering another crushing blow. The two chickens continued to exchange attacks, with Fryer of Brainz using a powerful headbutt to bash Andrew Mellow and cause it to bleed. But Andrew Mellow was not out of the fight yet, unleashing a fiery burst from Bob’s Burninator and scorching Fryer of Brainz with searing oil.

Fryer of Brainz now had a severe laceration that was bleeding, and Andrew Mellow saw its chance to strike. With one final burst of energy, Andrew Mellow threw Fryer of Brainz back into the hen house, emerging as the victor of the battle. Despite the injuries sustained on both sides, Andrew Mellow emerged triumphant and earned the title of champion.

- Battle Log -
Andrew Mellow pours hot oil on Fryer of Brainz's face! (-8) Fryer of Brainz has a wound that is bleeding slowly... (-5) Fryer of Brainz unleashes a powerful barrage of attacks, overwhelming Andrew Mellow with its strength! (-18) Andrew Mellow launches itself at Fryer of Brainz and delivers a crushing blow. (-12) Fryer of Brainz has a wound that is bleeding slowly... (-5) Fryer of Brainz bashes Andrew Mellow with a powerful headbutt. (-21) Andrew Mellow bled... (-5) Andrew Mellow unleashes a fiery burst from Bob's Burninator, scorching Fryer of Brainz with searing oil! (-16) Fryer of Brainz has a severe laceration that is bleeding... (-10) Andrew Mellow has thrown Fryer of Brainz back in the hen house! Block Height - 16915109 Battle Hash - a85a8c65292680481cee18c7653d3353aa81071455ab408ef1af38bf9210bb0d