Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background paper-cutter
Item Background bobs-burninator
Fryer of Brainz
Wins - 26
Losses - 28
Total Bets: 2494335
Item Background frog-skin-shield
Item Background gravy
Item Background bobs-burninator
Wins - 69
Losses - 44
Total Bets: 2475335
Bonesy won the fight!
- Summary -

In the battle of the chickens, it was all-out war from the start. Bonesy and Fryer of Brainz clashed in a flurry of feathers and beaks. Bonesy started things off with a powerful, quick kick that knocked Fryer of Brainz off balance. But Fryer of Brainz was not to be underestimated and let out a devastating fart attack, causing Bonesy to stumble.

Bonesy fought back with a vicious peck, drawing blood from Fryer of Brainz. But Fryer of Brainz was not done yet and delivered a bone-shattering kick to Bonesy’s ribcage, leaving Bonesy reeling. It was clear that these chickens were not pulling their punches.

But Bonesy was not about to give up, and unleashed a scorching-hot gout of oil from Bob’s Burninator, sending Fryer of Brainz staggering backward. Despite suffering a shallow cut, Fryer of Brainz continued to fight on.

In the end, it was Bonesy who emerged victorious, taking the cake with a final blow to Fryer of Brainz. It was a brutal battle, but Bonesy had proven to be the stronger chicken.

- Battle Log -
Bonesy uses a quick and powerful kick to knock Fryer of Brainz off balance. (-7) Fryer of Brainz farts on Bonesy! (-9) Bonesy has been slashed... (-5) Bonesy swoops down and delivers a vicious peck to Fryer of Brainz. (-12) Fryer of Brainz is bleeding from a laceration... (-5) Fryer of Brainz delivers a bone-shattering kick to Bonesy's ribcage. (-17) Bonesy could use more blood... (-10) Bonesy unleashes a scorching-hot gout of oil from Bob's Burninator, sending Fryer of Brainz staggering backward! (-19) Fryer of Brainz is bleeding from a shallow cut... (-5) Bonesy has taken the cake! Block Height - 16907608 Battle Hash - c8bd73273a976d57f869e276f25e2ec09a0140779b371fa9f95006d13efc4ef5