Item Background lsd-wing
Item Background beak-guard
Item Background golden-tenderizer
Wiggles Much
Wins - 5
Losses - 6
Total Bets: 2000
Item Background red-shroom
Item Background bucket-helmet
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Thomas the part time Employee
Wins - 3
Losses - 4
Total Bets: 1030100
Wiggles Much won the fight!
- Summary -

The fight between these two chickens was no ordinary fight. Wiggles Much was clearly the more cunning of the two, having slipped Thomas the part time Employee some DMT to make him believe he could fly. Thomas, in his delusional state, jumped off a cliff and plummeted to the ground. This initial move by Wiggles Much set the tone for the rest of the fight.

But Thomas was not one to be taken down easily. He came back swinging with the Bird Brained Flail, bringing it down on Wiggles Much like a meteor. The impact was significant, causing a serious cut that started gushing blood. It looked like Thomas might actually have a chance at winning, but Wiggles Much had a trick up his sleeve.

Wiggles Much transformed into a giant, fire-breathing monster, and with a single breath, incinerated Thomas the part time Employee. It was a quick, decisive victory for Wiggles Much. The other chickens looked on in awe at Wiggles Much’s power and cunning.

After the fight, Wiggles Much strutted off to celebrate at Chickyland. It was clear that he was the true champion of the coop.

- Battle Log -
Wiggles Much slips Thomas the part time Employee some DMT and convinces him that he can fly. Thomas the part time Employee gleefully jumps off a cliff and immediately plummets to the ground! (-22) Thomas the part time Employee jumps in the air and brings the Bird Brained Flail down on Wiggles Much like a meteor! (-14) Wiggles Much has a serious cut that is gushing blood... (-15) Wiggles Much transforms into a giant, fire-breathing monster, incinerating Thomas the part time Employee with a single breath! (-24) Wiggles Much is going to celebrate at Chickyland! Block Height - 16899676 Battle Hash - 3a946a8b01f27e826622345780278191f04ff15b549600496174c8605a34e175