The battle between these two chickens was a fierce one, filled with powerful strikes and heavy bleeding. AnderSchnoz Silva started off strong, locking Dandy Tiddler into a slow cooking oven and watching as it met its slow demise. However, Dandy Tiddler was not down and out just yet, as it retaliated with a flurry of powerful strikes that left AnderSchnoz Silva staggering.
The fight continued with both chickens taking heavy hits, resulting in gaping wounds and serious cuts that were gushing blood. AnderSchnoz Silva wasn’t backing down though, delivering a thunderous knee strike to Dandy Tiddler’s midsection. Despite its efforts, Dandy Tiddler was unable to recover from the hits and continued to bleed heavily.
In the end, it was AnderSchnoz Silva who emerged victorious, dominating Dandy Tiddler and proving itself to be the stronger chicken. It was a battle to be remembered, with both chickens putting up a valiant fight and showing their strength and determination.
AnderSchnoz Silva locks Dandy Tiddler into a slow cooking oven and watches its slow demise! (-7)
Dandy Tiddler is bleeding heavily from an open wound... (-15)
Dandy Tiddler delivers a flurry of powerful strikes that leave AnderSchnoz Silva staggering! (-12)
AnderSchnoz Silva is bleeding from a gaping wound... (-15)
AnderSchnoz Silva delivers a thunderous knee strike to Dandy Tiddler's midsection. (-7)
Dandy Tiddler has a serious cut that is gushing blood... (-20)
AnderSchnoz Silva has dominated his bitchass!
Block Height - 16895148
Battle Hash - d52afdd2feb75ff53a2ed06f2d36bda6e068815cd6eb4136e7229a3988565045