Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bucket-helmet
Item Background bird-brained-flail
El paraco
Wins - 6
Losses - 7
Total Bets: 1001100
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bucket-helmet
Item Background bobs-burninator
Coop Dogg
Wins - 2
Losses - 1
Total Bets: 332000
Coop Dogg won the fight!
- Summary -

The battle between Super Fried Chicken #2173 and Coop Dogg was intense, as each chicken fought fiercely to defend their honor. Super Fried Chicken #2173 started off strong, swinging the Bird Brained Flail and unleashing an angry swarm of birds towards Coop Dogg. However, Coop Dogg quickly retaliated with Bob’s Burninator, completely burning Super Fried Chicken #2173 to a crisp.

But Super Fried Chicken #2173 wasn’t going down without a fight. He swung the Bird Brained Flail and soared high into the air, before landing a powerful blow onto Coop Dogg’s head with the force of 1000 cocks. Coop Dogg was left with a gaping wound that was pouring blood, but he refused to back down. With one final attack, Coop Dogg once again used Bob’s Burninator, this time completely obliterating Super Fried Chicken #2173.

In the end, Coop Dogg emerged victorious and brought glory to his family. It was a hard-earned victory that left both chickens battered and bruised, but Coop Dogg proved himself to be the superior warrior. The fight was a testament to the fierce determination and bravery of these two chickens, who were willing to fight to the death for their honor.

- Battle Log -
Super Fried Chicken #2173 swings the Bird Brained Flail and unleashes a swarm of angry birds at Coop Dogg! (-8) Coop Dogg BBQ's Super Fried Chicken #2173 with Bob's Burninator! EXXTRA Burnt & Pass the EXXTRA HOT Sauce Please! (-14) Super Fried Chicken #2173 swings the Bird Brained Flail like a helicopter allowing him to fly high into the air. He then smashes Coop Dogg's head with the force of 1000 cocks! (-8) Coop Dogg has a large cut that is pouring blood... (-15) Coop Dogg BBQ's Super Fried Chicken #2173 with Bob's Burninator! EXXTRA Burnt & Pass the EXXTRA HOT Sauce Please! (-21) Coop Dogg has brought glory to his family! Block Height - 16893934 Battle Hash - 0e2e0d7c9702e058299c36b66543f0f86efc5baa56dda734f153bbf668c93abf