Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background frog-skin-shield
Item Background bobs-burninator
TieTieTie DyeDyeDye
Wins - 83
Losses - 87
Total Bets: 100
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background paper-cutter
Item Background blue-bulls
Hot Sauce
Wins - 6
Losses - 19
Total Bets: 6666
Hot Sauce won the fight!
- Summary -

In a flurry of feathers and kicks, Hot Sauce and TieTieTie DyeDyeDye clashed in a fierce battle. The two chickens were evenly matched, delivering powerful blows to each other. The fight started with Hot Sauce leaping into the air and delivering a surprise attack with a flying kick, catching TieTieTie DyeDyeDye off guard. However, TieTieTie DyeDyeDye quickly retaliated with a devastating kick to Hot Sauce’s midsection, causing a large decrease in health.

Despite the injury, Hot Sauce remained determined, and struck back with incredible force, leaving TieTieTie DyeDyeDye momentarily stunned. It was a close match, with both chickens sustaining injuries, but in the end, it was Hot Sauce who emerged victorious. TieTieTie DyeDyeDye had a bloody scratch on their skin while Hot Sauce’s wound was bleeding steadily, but it was not enough to prevent the latter chicken from winning the fight.

The battle was a fierce display of strength and resilience, with both chickens refusing to back down. In the end, it was the sheer power and determination of Hot Sauce that led to victory, proving that even the underdog can triumph with the right attitude and strategy.

- Battle Log -
Hot Sauce leaps high into the air and delivers a flying kick to TieTieTie DyeDyeDye. (-10) TieTieTie DyeDyeDye delivers a devastating kick to Hot Sauce's midsection. (-24) Hot Sauce's wound is bleeding steadily... (-5) Hot Sauce strikes with incredible force, leaving TieTieTie DyeDyeDye momentarily stunned! (-19) TieTieTie DyeDyeDye has a bloody scratch on their skin... (-5) Hot Sauce has won the match! Block Height - 16871622 Battle Hash - bbe5d9bd9fe4c40d94ab8db405488ad63702e4e12de5afa29cc4f0ee986742a2