Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
Cockodile Dundee
Wins - 152
Losses - 102
Total Bets: 68566
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
Wins - 53
Losses - 42
Total Bets: 5000100
Cockodile Dundee won the fight!
- Summary -

From the moment the chickens entered the arena, the tension was palpable. Bukliu strutted around, wings flapping and feathers ruffled, ready to prove their dominance. But Cockodile Dundee was not to be underestimated, biding their time and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

And strike they did. Dundee charged up their power, feathers ruffling and eyes blazing with determination, before unleashing a devastating blow on Bukliu that left them reeling. But Bukliu was not one to go down without a fight, unleashing a sonic blast that shook the very foundations of the arena.

It seemed like the two were evenly matched, each dealing powerful blows and keeping the other on their toes. But then Dundee landed a brutal hook to Bukliu’s liver, causing them to double over in pain. It was clear that this was the moment of truth, and in the end, it was Cockodile Dundee who emerged victorious.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Dundee strutted around the arena, head held high and wings spread wide. They had proven their worthiness in the face of a fierce opponent and established themselves as a force to be reckoned with.

- Battle Log -
Cockodile Dundee charges up its power and unleashes a devastating blow on Bukliu! (-27) With a deafening scream, Bukliu unleashes a sonic blast that shatters the nearby windows! (-30) Cockodile Dundee lands a brutal hook to Bukliu's liver, causing them to double over in pain. (-33) Cockodile Dundee has proved his worthiness in the arena! Block Height - 16858091 Battle Hash - 08a2e1255378d1a5f32d9c4afa6ff695756ed46d4212e88cd8ff2d99f7fb9e76