Item Background paper-cutter
Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background beak-guard
SunSpots McCock
Wins - 133
Losses - 99
Total Bets: 100
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background paper-cutter
Item Background frog-skin-shield
29 cent hotdog
Wins - 13
Losses - 18
Total Bets: 6666
SunSpots McCock won the fight!
- Summary -

The fight between SunSpots McCock and 29 cent hotdog was intense and brutal, with both chickens fighting fiercely to emerge victorious. Initially, 29 cent hotdog seemed to be gaining the upper hand, using hot sauce to blind SunSpots McCock and attacking them with sharp claws that left deep scratches on their skin.

However, SunSpots McCock was not one to be underestimated, and they launched a powerful counterstrike that left 29 cent hotdog momentarily stunned. As the fight progressed, SunSpots McCock suffered some serious injuries, bleeding profusely from a deep wound that threatened to take them down.

Despite being badly hurt, SunSpots McCock rallied in the final stages of the battle, unleashing a devastating attack called Bob’s Burninator that fried 29 cent hotdog to a crisp. The sound of the sizzle reverberated through the air, and SunSpots McCock emerged victorious, having brought shame to 29 cent hotdog’s flock.

Overall, this was a brutal and grueling fight, with both chickens showing admirable resilience and determination. However, in the end, SunSpots McCock’s superior fighting skills and sheer grit proved to be too much for 29 cent hotdog to handle, and they emerged as the undisputed winner of this epic fantasy battle.

- Battle Log -
29 cent hotdog throws Hot Sauce at SunSpots McCock's eyes and it's burning! It's burning! (-3) SunSpots McCock has a bloody scratch on their skin... (-5) SunSpots McCock strikes with incredible force, leaving 29 cent hotdog momentarily stunned! (-11) 29 cent hotdog is taking Super Fried Chicken too literally with that hot oil in his bucket. SunSpots McCock is so fried we should send his ass to Popeye's to be sold as an 8 piece! (-3) SunSpots McCock is bleeding profusely from a deep wound... (-10) SunSpots McCock unleashes Bob's Burninator and fries 29 cent hotdog to a crisp! You could hear the sizzle a mile away! (-17) SunSpots McCock has brought shame to 29 cent hotdog's flock! Block Height - 16837369 Battle Hash - aa35843cc505eea60b312dfb4fc62dd4dd1bca26b281b3b9f52b076ef69ccc95