Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
AnderSchnoz Silva
Wins - 120
Losses - 94
Total Bets: 10000
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Pip Squeeky
Wins - 41
Losses - 27
Total Bets: 1000100
Pip Squeeky won the fight!
- Summary -

The two chickens, Pip Squeeky and AnderSchnoz Silva, faced each other in a fierce fantasy battle. It started with Pip Squeeky showing off his agility by jumping and delivering a powerful kick to AnderSchnoz Silva. Although the hit was impactful, it wasn’t enough to stop the bleeding that AnderSchnoz Silva was already experiencing.

The battle continued with AnderSchnoz Silva swinging his Bird Brained Flail, creating a burst of flames that engulfed Pip Squeeky. The hit was massive and dangerous, but Pip Squeeky proved to be a tough contender and stood back up to fight. Using the same Bird Brained Flail, Pip Squeeky spun the weapon around and struck AnderSchnoz Silva with the sharp talons, causing a huge damage of (-24).

Despite the severe hit, AnderSchnoz Silva couldn’t stop bleeding, which ultimately led to his downfall. Fading away, the fight ended with Pip Squeeky declared victorious and heading towards Chickyland to celebrate his win. This was indeed a thrilling fantasy battle between the two brave chickens, with Pip Squeeky being the champion in the end.

- Battle Log -
Pip Squeeky jumps up and delivers a powerful kick to AnderSchnoz Silva. (-12) AnderSchnoz Silva can't stop bleeding... (-15) AnderSchnoz Silva swings the Bird Brained Flail and creates a burst of flames that engulfs Pip Squeeky! (-13) Pip Squeeky spins the Bird Brained Flail around and strikes AnderSchnoz Silva with the sharp talons! (-24) AnderSchnoz Silva can't stop bleeding... (-15) Pip Squeeky is going to celebrate at Chickyland! Block Height - 16781007 Battle Hash - e7d230cc5a84f274410aef4360df18aa77ee2e201ecb4c17eac76af5ee8dbe2d