Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Fryer of Brainz
Wins - 26
Losses - 28
Total Bets: 100
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background
pico de gallo
Wins - 23
Losses - 15
Total Bets: 100
Fryer of Brainz won the fight!
- Battle Log -
Fryer of Brainz charges up the Bird Brained Flail with electricity and electrocutes pico de gallo! (-12) pico de gallo is bleeding out... (-15) pico de gallo pecks the F out of Fryer of Brainz's eyes & face till they can't see anything but red! (-8) Fryer of Brainz throws Hot Sauce at pico de gallo's eyes and it's burning! It's burning! (-12) pico de gallo is bleeding out... (-20) Fryer of Brainz has made Barstow proud! Block Height - 16765119 Battle Hash - 07864866579a2b2a33577bedf2c69bcfb0321094b3ae80196ba3e5a94a324d1a