Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
Wins - 68
Losses - 48
Total Bets: 50000100
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
AnderSchnoz Silva
Wins - 120
Losses - 94
Total Bets: 2555
Dank won the fight!
- Battle Log -
AnderSchnoz Silva offers Dank some laced weed. Dank immediately loses all motivation to fight! (-10) Dank bled... (-5) Dank hits AnderSchnoz Silva so hard that his beak goes through the back of his head! (-26) AnderSchnoz Silva ties Dank up, and plucks each feather out slowly 1-by-1! (-14) Dank is bleeding... (-5) Dank cooks up a batch of spoiled chicken. AnderSchnoz Silva gets food poisoning and shits themselves! (-32) Dank is victorious against AnderSchnoz Silva! Block Height - 16667473 Battle Hash - a2aa15e8112ef4eecbf3d75d22afea0d3c5d91dd8f7fad15314e23d0978edb5b