Item Background
Item Background
Item Background
Super Fried Chicken #1571
Wins - 0
Losses - 1
Total Bets: 25100
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
FrogHorn Leghorn
Wins - 106
Losses - 83
Total Bets: 10100100100
FrogHorn Leghorn won the fight!
- Battle Log -
Super Fried Chicken #1571 claws FrogHorn Leghorn! (-11) FrogHorn Leghorn has been slashed... (-5) FrogHorn Leghorn pecks the F out of Super Fried Chicken #1571's eyes & face till they can't see anything but red! (-40) Super Fried Chicken #1571 bled... (-5) FrogHorn Leghorn has defeated Super Fried Chicken #1571! Block Height - 16343437 Battle Hash - 2e9e565d4e6b796f887c09a4b83b720e7f775ac18aa3c2f766e48ad9eacef266