Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Employee of the Month
Wins - 117
Losses - 86
Total Bets: 10100101100100
Item Background
Item Background
Item Background
Super Fried Chicken #4764
Wins - 12
Losses - 18
Total Bets: 500500500500500
Employee of the Month won the fight!
- Battle Log -
Employee of the Month flings hot sauce at Super Fried Chicken #4764! (-8) Super Fried Chicken #4764 is bleeding out... (-15) Super Fried Chicken #4764 sweeps Employee of the Month cockfeet and falls on its cockbutt! (-2) Employee of the Month is bleeding... (-5) Employee of the Month plucks Super Fried Chicken #4764's feathers! (-8) Super Fried Chicken #4764 can't stop bleeding... (-15) Employee of the Month has put Super Fried Chicken #4764 6 feet under! Block Height - 16213047 Battle Hash - 6cb71343b7d16d36acb05f37c9b3e1a5eda38ec38ad3fb0cbc14127d9d2de35c