Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Nevermind the BuzzCocks...
Wins - 105
Losses - 90
Total Bets: 1200200200200
Item Background paper-cutter
Item Background
Item Background
Super Fried Chicken #1510
Wins - 3
Losses - 22
Total Bets: 420420420420
Nevermind the BuzzCocks... won the fight!
- Battle Log -
Nevermind the BuzzCocks... hits Super Fried Chicken #1510 with brass knuckles and smashes his cock off! (-18) Super Fried Chicken #1510 is bleeding out... (-15) Super Fried Chicken #1510 pulls a 'Miyagi'! Nevermind the BuzzCocks... is on the ground seeing stars while hearing "Wax on, wax off bitch!". (-5) Nevermind the BuzzCocks... throws metal kebab skewers at Super Fried Chicken #1510 and he can't move! (-18) Super Fried Chicken #1510 is bleeding out... (-15) Nevermind the BuzzCocks... has secured the W! Block Height - 16149036 Battle Hash - 192d142d5a638542834ba0880f054aa9e7844f6a5c19b7875c520a3afd9fc50d