Item Background red-shroom
Item Background frog-skin-shield
Item Background mashed-potatoes
Saul Monella
Wins - 10
Losses - 19
Total Bets: 100
Item Background bucket-helmet
Item Background golden-tenderizer
Item Background
Super Fried Chicken #4261
Wins - 6
Losses - 7
Total Bets: 100
Saul Monella won the fight!
- Battle Log -
Saul Monella offers Super Fried Chicken #4261 some laced weed. Super Fried Chicken #4261 immediately loses all motivation to fight! (-16) Super Fried Chicken #4261 is losing blood... (-5) Super Fried Chicken #4261 cock slaps Saul Monella! (-10) Saul Monella's nose is bleeding... (-5) Saul Monella blows magic mushroom powder at Super Fried Chicken #4261! (-8) Super Fried Chicken #4261 can't stop bleeding... (-10) Saul Monella has made Barstow proud! Block Height - 16144485 Battle Hash - 34ccb6975ea8303df0e4fb75c271948d59169f3ceefd3756bf08498e41e5e39d