Item Background dmt-wing
Item Background red-shroom
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Tico MacTick
Wins - 20
Losses - 21
Total Bets: 250000100
Item Background paper-cutter
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
SunSpots McCock
Wins - 133
Losses - 99
Total Bets: 100100
Tico MacTick won the fight!
- Battle Log -
Tico MacTick hammer throws the Bird Brained Flail at SunSpots McCock and they fly into oblivion! (-7) SunSpots McCock is bleeding out... (-15) SunSpots McCock jams the Bird Brained Flail into Tico MacTick's face and and makes a master piece. It's a Pizza Pie! That's Amore! (-8) Tico MacTick can't stop bleeding... (-15) Tico MacTick spits a fowl loogie at SunSpots McCock's eyes can't see anything! (-7) SunSpots McCock could use more blood... (-20) SunSpots McCock claws Tico MacTick! (-4) Tico MacTick can't stop bleeding... (-20) Tico MacTick jams the Bird Brained Flail into SunSpots McCock's face and and makes a master piece. It's a Pizza Pie! That's Amore! (-7) SunSpots McCock could use more blood... (-20) Tico MacTick is going to celebrate at Chickyland! Block Height - 15976848 Battle Hash - 5349d8b4ece6fb5901fd9109a5724758865634986a962d4cd8a97d5c8cf36331