Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background bucket-helmet
Item Background bobs-burninator
Cocktor doom
Wins - 36
Losses - 21
Total Bets: 100
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background mashed-potatoes
TieTieTie DyeDyeDye
Wins - 83
Losses - 87
Total Bets: 100
TieTieTie DyeDyeDye won the fight!
- Battle Log -
TieTieTie DyeDyeDye whips out Bob's Burninator and slow roasts Cocktor doom. Smells delicious! (-12) Cocktor doom's eye is bleeding... (-5) Cocktor doom spits a fowl loogie at TieTieTie DyeDyeDye's eyes can't see anything! (-13) TieTieTie DyeDyeDye launches a rug project. Cocktor doom gets scammed of all their tendies! (-20) Cocktor doom is losing blood... (-5) TieTieTie DyeDyeDye has made Barstow proud! Block Height - 15965073 Battle Hash - d2494f144d745c9d188eca34cc6376f7736e64a271717fdea3afdb404b7fff07