Item Background mr-thornies-armguards
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
El Gallo Rostizado
Wins - 15
Losses - 19
Total Bets: 2000
Item Background mr-thornies-armguards
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bobs-burninator
Pip Squeeky
Wins - 41
Losses - 28
Total Bets: 10000100
Pip Squeeky won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and Gentlemen, Feathers and Wattles, prepare yourselves for a recap of one for the history books! In a showdown displaying a truly furious feathered frenzy, Pip Squeeky, from the blue corner, showed us all why you don’t count your eggs before they hatch!

The fight kicked off with a surprising move. From out of the blue, Pip Squeeky pounced like a hawk, landing squarely on El Gallo Rostizado’s back! The force behind the pounce left the red corner rolling from the shock, a bloody scratch illustrating the violence of the showdown that was yet to come.

But, don’t mistake El Gallo Rostizado for a chicken! Quick as a flash, he whipped out Bob’s Burninator, turning Pip Squeeky into a crispy morsel right there in the ring! Our audience gasped, thinking it all over for our blue corner battler.

But Pip Squeeky had something else in store. Rising from the ashes like a Phoenix reborn, he retaliated by dousing Gallo in the same scorching oil, setting him ablaze. A chorus of gasps echoed around the colosseum as, not only was Pip Squeeky back in the fight, but he’d brought Gallo down to an even crispier level!

The clucking berserker in red was not ready to roll over and play dead though. Bloodied and burned, he spat a foul loogie with pinpoint accuracy into Pip’s eyes, temporarily blinding the blue corner lightning bolt.

However, unable to see didn’t slow our Pip down! He retaliated with rapid-fire jabs that left Gallo dizzier than a hen in a cockerel pen. The crimson warrior was left reeling, blood flowing freely from a wound that gaped like a wide-open beak.

Admirable as El Gallo Rostizado’s resilience was, it was Pip Squeeky’s night. Our blue corner battler showed exactly why he continues to climb the pecking order in the SFC Fight Club. Clawing back from the brink, Pip Squeeky made minced meat out of his opponent, proving once again that - in this psychedelic colosseum – the real cock of the walk is anyone’s game.

Yokels, I give you, the triumphant Pip Squeeky, making his current record stand at an astounding 40-27. Don’t get your feathers ruffled, folks, because the Fight Club at Super Fried Chicken is only getting started!

- Battle Log -
Pip Squeeky jumps up and lands on El Gallo Rostizado's back (-6) El Gallo Rostizado has a bloody scratch on their skin... (-5) El Gallo Rostizado just pulled out Bob's Burninator and fried the living chicken shit out of Pip Squeeky. He's done folks! Crispy and unrecognizeable! (-11) Pip Squeeky pours Bob's Burninator's scorching oil all over El Gallo Rostizado, then ignites it! They're burnt to a crisp! (-10) El Gallo Rostizado is bleeding heavily from an open wound... (-10) El Gallo Rostizado spits a fowl loogie at Pip Squeeky's eyes can't see anything! (-13) Pip Squeeky strikes with lightning-fast jabs, leaving El Gallo Rostizado disoriented. (-17) El Gallo Rostizado has a deep cut that is bleeding rapidly... (-15) Pip Squeeky has taken the cake! Block Height - 19799843 Battle Hash - cd5ab8da020b5ba89b9da2fc8ea95af8ea51f16aa0be848324b4bbd92dbabc97