Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bobs-burninator
Spartacus Longcock
Wins - 27
Losses - 28
Total Bets: 100
Item Background
Item Background
Item Background
Smokin Cock
Wins - 0
Losses - 1
Total Bets: 100
Spartacus Longcock won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and Gentlemen, last night we bore witness to a searing clash of titans in the electrifying arena of the Super Fried Chicken’s Fight Club. Two warriors took to the psychedelic colosseum, and only one emerged victorious.

Glittering under the spotlights in the red corner, standing tall with a fight record of 26 victories and 28 defeats, was the one and only, the fiery and fierce, Spartacus Longcock. On the other corner, bathed in a cool blue glow, was the newcomer stepping defiantly into the ring for his debut battle, the enigmatic Smokin Cock. The tension was palpable, the air thick with a swirling mix of anticipation, passion, and the surreal energy of a spectacle about to unfold.

As the shrill velvety ring of the bell faded, Spartacus Longcock, with a showman’s flair and a warrior’s grit, unveiled his weapon of choice, Bob’s Burninator. With a devilish grin, he brandished it at the unnerved Smokin Cock. What followed next, ladies and gentlemen, lit the fight arena with a roaring, fiery blaze. Spartacus Longcock skillfully slow-roasted Smokin Cock who, troubled and staggering, bled from a growing wound.

Undeterred, Smokin Cock launched a windmill of thrashing talons at Spartacus Longcock, slashing him successfully. The crowd gasped. Amidst the chaos and rousing cheers, Spartacus, wounded but unbowed, rallied back fiercely, unleashing a shower of scalding oil from Bob’s Burninator on his opponent. The eerie cries of Smokin Cock echoed through the psychedelic colosseum as he squirmed in torment, a gaping wound oozing and pulsing under the lights.

The crowd roared with maddening euphoria as Spartacus Longcock stood tall, drenched in oil and victory, having vanquished the determined, yet defeated Smokin Cock. Ladies and Gentlemen, the history of SFC’s Fight Club was inked with yet another memorable victory as Spartacus Longcock crowned himself the undisputed king of the ring, giving due recognition to his nickname, ‘Longcock The Conqueror’.

In the end, whether under evanescent lights, surrounded by raucous cheers or standing alone in silent contemplation, all hail the formidable warrior, Spartacus Longcock, today’s champion, who proved to against one and all that he’s not just playing chicken. Long may he reign!

- Battle Log -
Spartacus Longcock whips out Bob's Burninator and slow roasts Smokin Cock. Smells delicious! (-12) Smokin Cock has a wound that is bleeding slowly... (-5) Smokin Cock slashes at Spartacus Longcock with its sharp talons. (-4) Spartacus Longcock drenches Smokin Cock in a searing-hot shower of oil from Bob's Burninator, causing them to writhe in agony! (-19) Smokin Cock is bleeding from a gaping wound... (-10) Spartacus Longcock has taken down this cock! Block Height - 19009863 Battle Hash - 15d61c3107308b357d17a2f6d22048b216e2d370e304376ee5dbe90e67bddf06