Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Tripz 4 Dayz
Wins - 112
Losses - 92
Total Bets: 255
Item Background dmt-wing
Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background hunters-med-pack
Jimminy Snicket
Wins - 24
Losses - 22
Total Bets: 5100
Jimminy Snicket won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the SFC Fight Club: where psychedelic chaos reigns supreme and chickens battle it out in the most exhilarating and unpredictable fights the universe has ever seen! Tonight, we witness a heart-pounding matchup between two legendary fighters: Tripz 4 Dayz, the hardened warrior with a record of 110-87, and Jimminy Snicket, the relentless underdog who’s fought his way to an impressive record of 20-18!

From the get-go, Jimminy Snicket wasted no time unleashing hell with a scorching-jet from Bob’s Burninator, melting everything in its path and leaving Tripz 4 Dayz in ashes, but Tripz wouldn’t be deterred, oozing blood from a deep cut and retaliating by stuffing Jimminy Snicket in a bucket-o-chicken!

The fight intensified as Jimminy tossed metal kebab skewers at Tripz 4 Dayz, pinning him temporarily and immobilizing him! Tripz, however, continued to bleed heavily from multiple wounds. Unfazed, Tripz took a brutal swing with the Bird Brained Flail, smacking Jimminy right in the face with a vicious spiked bird skull! But the show wasn’t over – Jimminy charged up its strength and delivered a bone-crushing blow to Tripz 4 Dayz, showing the world that he wouldn’t be taken down easily.

With blood and sweat filling the air, Tripz 4 Dayz writhed in pain from a new, deep wound, bleeding profusely. Despite the agonizing wounds, Tripz showed no mercy as he swung the Bird Brained Flail once more, smacking Jimminy Snicket in the face again with that brutal spiked bird skull! But this was Jimminy Snicket’s night to shine: pulling the trigger on Bob’s Burninator one last time, a giant cock-flame engulfed Tripz 4 Dayz, putting an end to this extraordinary spectacle of a fight!

As Tripz 4 Dayz lie there with a severe laceration, none could deny the unyielding spirit and extraordinary power of Jimminy Snicket, who emerged victorious from this blood-soaked battlefield. And tonight, folks, our unstoppable champion Jimminy Snicket will be celebrating in style at Chickyland! To the victor go the spoils in this wild, intense, and mesmerizing world of SFC Fight Club!

- Battle Log -
Jimminy Snicket sprays a scorching-hot jet from Bob's Burninator, melting everything in its path and leaving Tripz 4 Dayz in ashes! (-1) Tripz 4 Dayz has a deep cut that is oozing blood... (-5) Tripz 4 Dayz stuffs Jimminy Snicket in the bucket-o-chicken! (-3) Jimminy Snicket throws metal kebab skewers at Tripz 4 Dayz and he can't move! (-2) Tripz 4 Dayz is bleeding heavily from an open wound... (-10) Tripz 4 Dayz swings the Bird Brained Flail and smacks Jimminy Snicket in the face with the spiked bird skull! (-3) Jimminy Snicket charges up its strength and delivers a bone-crushing blow to Tripz 4 Dayz! (-2) Tripz 4 Dayz is bleeding profusely from a deep wound... (-15) Tripz 4 Dayz swings the Bird Brained Flail and smacks Jimminy Snicket in the face with the spiked bird skull! (-6) Jimminy Snicket pulls the trigger on Bob's Burninator and a giant cock-flame engulfs Tripz 4 Dayz. You had no plucking chance! (-1) Tripz 4 Dayz has a severe laceration that is bleeding... (-20) Jimminy Snicket is going to celebrate at Chickyland! Block Height - 17562794 Battle Hash - cd68f01dcca181ab40856d286d94cc6d7656a8ec6f36c18545a742359558cfc1