Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Employee of the Month
Wins - 117
Losses - 86
Total Bets: 1000010000
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background mr-thornies-armguards
Wins - 68
Losses - 48
Total Bets: 1000010000100
Employee of the Month won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the SFC’s Fight Club, where psychedelic chaos reigns supreme! Tonight, we have a battle that will leave you questioning reality itself. In the red corner, with a record of 109-84, the unstoppable force that is Employee of the Month! And in the blue corner, boasting a 60-41 record, the enigmatic and mind-bending Dank!

The battle begins with Employee of the Month tapping into the energy of the heavens, summoning a bolt of lightning that comes crashing down on Dank with electrifying force! The crowd gasps in awe, but Dank is not so easily discouraged!

With a mighty leap, Dank hurtles toward Employee of the Month like a freight train from another dimension, landing a monstrous smash that sends shockwaves through the arena. Employee of the Month reels, their wounds bleeding profusely as the fight rages on!

Refusing to back down, Employee of the Month delivers a vicious elbow strike that connects solidly with Dank’s temple. Ooh, that’s gotta hurt! But Dank responds, drawing from hidden reserves of strength to land a critical hit that knocks Employee of the Month off balance!

The air is thick with suspense as blood starts to pour from Employee of the Month’s wounds, their very essence draining from their body. In a desperate attempt to turn the tide of battle, Employee of the Month unleashes a flurry of powerful strikes that leave Dank staggering, their mind reeling from the onslaught!

It’s a grim sight - Dank is now bleeding heavily from an open wound, the colors of which seem to shift and twist before our very eyes. But the fight is not over yet!

With one final surge of indomitable spirit, Employee of the Month summons every last ounce of their strength and delivers a finishing blow that defies all logic and reason! As Dank collapses to the ground, the psychedelic colosseum is filled with the roar of the crowd in appreciation.

Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it – a clash of titans that will go down in the annals of SFC’s Fight Club history! The winner, and still reigning champion of distorted reality, give it up for Employee of the Month! Shake off those feathers and bask in the glory, for tonight, you are truly the master of this wild and wonderful world!

- Battle Log -
Employee of the Month summons a bolt of lightning from the sky that strikes Dank with electrifying force! (-12) With a mighty leap, Dank smashes into Employee of the Month with the force of a freight train! (-9) Employee of the Month is bleeding... (-5) Employee of the Month delivers a vicious elbow strike to Dank's temple. (-12) Dank lands a critical hit that knocks Employee of the Month off balance! (-9) Employee of the Month can't stop bleeding... (-10) Employee of the Month delivers a flurry of powerful strikes that leave Dank staggering! (-12) Dank is bleeding heavily from an open wound... (-15) Employee of the Month has emerged victorious! Block Height - 17551946 Battle Hash - 038aa9d3b09fc5ab203e5321fd2fcf4060cb5be24bb459f392c509284766f5f4