Item Background paper-cutter
Item Background mr-thornies-armguards
Item Background bobs-burninator
Super Fried Chicken #2
Wins - 19
Losses - 23
Total Bets: 100
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
Tripz 4 Dayz
Wins - 112
Losses - 92
Total Bets: 100100100
Tripz 4 Dayz won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another electrifying night at the SFC’s Fight Club! Are you ready for the feather-flying, psychedelic action that awaits you? Let’s meet our mighty fighters in this wild, edge-of-your-seat battle!

In the red corner, with a record of 19-22, it’s the one and only Super Fried Chicken #2! And in the blue corner, a fierce contender with an impressive record of 109-87, make some noise for Tripz 4 Dayz!

The fight begins with a sizzling start as Tripz 4 Dayz envelops Super Fried Chicken #2 in a blistering-hot cloud of oil from Bob’s Burninator, leaving them gasping for air! Super Fried Chicken #2 retaliates with a vengeance, spitting a fowl loogie right in Tripz 4 Dayz’s eyes – oh, the horror! Blinded, Tripz 4 Dayz begins to bleed.

But don’t count them out just yet, folks! Tripz 4 Dayz charges up and unleashes a devastating peck on Super Fried Chicken #2. However, the resilient Super Fried Chicken #2 won’t go down without a fight, tying up Tripz 4 Dayz and sadistically plucking out each feather, one by one. The brutality is palpable!

The resilient Tripz 4 Dayz begins to lose blood at an alarming rate. But it’s not over! They lunge forward and bite down hard on Super Fried Chicken #2’s wing, bringing them both to their knees, battered and bruised.

As Super Fried Chicken #2 starts losing blood, they channel the power of the sun and blast Tripz 4 Dayz with a scorching beam of light! The crowd roars, whipped into a frenzy! Seeing that Tripz 4 Dayz is bleeding out, Super Fried Chicken #2 is momentarily filled with hope for victory.

But, folks, what we’re about to witness is nothing short of miraculous. With an astonishing burst of energy, Tripz 4 Dayz pummels Super Fried Chicken #2 with a relentless barrage of headbutts! The crowd goes wild as Super Fried Chicken #2 starts losing more blood. Tripz 4 Dayz, weakened yet determined, is ready to make it rain tendies.

And there you have it, folks – a rollercoaster of a fight that will go down in SFC Fight Club history! The winner, in a deafening roar of triumph, is none other than Tripz 4 Dayz! What an unforgettable night. Let’s give it up for our wild participants and this unparalleled display of avian grit and ferocity! Until next time, dear fans!

- Battle Log -
Tripz 4 Dayz envelops Super Fried Chicken #2 in a blistering-hot cloud of oil from Bob's Burninator, leaving them gasping for air! (-3) Super Fried Chicken #2 spits a fowl loogie at Tripz 4 Dayz's eyes can't see anything! (-4) Tripz 4 Dayz is bleeding... (-5) Tripz 4 Dayz charges up and unleashes a devastating peck on Super Fried Chicken #2. (-5) Super Fried Chicken #2 ties Tripz 4 Dayz up, and plucks each feather out slowly 1-by-1! (-4) Tripz 4 Dayz could use more blood... (-10) Tripz 4 Dayz lunges forward and bites down hard on Super Fried Chicken #2's wing. (-7) Super Fried Chicken #2 is losing blood... (-5) Super Fried Chicken #2 channels the power of the sun, blasting Tripz 4 Dayz with a scorching beam of light! (-4) Tripz 4 Dayz is bleeding out... (-10) Tripz 4 Dayz pummels Super Fried Chicken #2 with a barrage of headbutts. (-9) Super Fried Chicken #2 is losing blood... (-5) Tripz 4 Dayz is ready to make it rain tendies! Block Height - 17531836 Battle Hash - d2bdb817febd958e135c5278ae5dd978b3ad7e48398fe57707b942b7ed32f1cd