Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Jimminy Snicket
Wins - 24
Losses - 22
Total Bets: 100
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Cockodile Dundee
Wins - 152
Losses - 102
Total Bets: 100100100
Jimminy Snicket won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the SFC’s Fight Club, where the feathers fly and the excitement never ends! Tonight, we have a match that will go down in history! In the red corner, with a record of 19 wins and 18 losses, we have the indomitable force known as Jimminy Snicket! And in the blue corner, boasting an impressive record of 149 wins and 98 losses, the fearsome and ferocious Cockodile Dundee!

As the fight begins, Jimminy Snicket wastes no time charging forward and slamming into Cockodile Dundee with incredible force! The impact shakes the entire colosseum, and we can see blood trickling down Dundee’s face from a laceration. But Dundee valiantly charges back, landing a solid hit on Jimminy Snicket.

Then, without a moment’s hesitation, Jimminy Snicket unleashes the devastating Bob’s Burninator! The crowd roars with excitement as flames engulf Cockodile Dundee! We can hardly see Dundee through the inferno, but somehow, they emerge through the smoke and fire, bleeding but still standing.

Not to be outdone, Cockodile Dundee ruffles their feathers and intimidates Jimminy Snicket. But Jimminy retaliates with a mighty shoulder charge that sends Dundee hurtling back, blood pouring from their open wounds.

Suddenly, in an astonishing display of ruffled rage, Cockodile Dundee doubles in size and stomps down on Jimminy Snicket with enormous talons! The crowd gasps in amazement, but Jimminy Snicket isn’t finished yet.

With one final burst of adrenaline-fueled energy, Jimminy Snicket charges forward and slams into Cockodile Dundee with incredible force! The force of impact leaves Dundee’s bloodied body shaking, as the blood pours from their severe gash.

The referee steps in and calls the fight, declaring Jimminy Snicket the winner! The audience goes wild, unable to contain their excitement over this incredible upset! Congratulations to Jimminy Snicket for a hard-fought and well-deserved victory in the SFC’s Fight Club!

- Battle Log -
Jimminy Snicket charges forward and slams into Cockodile Dundee with incredible force. (-2) Cockodile Dundee is bleeding from a laceration... (-5) Cockodile Dundee charges at Jimminy Snicket and lands a solid hit. (-6) Jimminy Snicket blasts Cockodile Dundee with Bob's Burninator, setting them on fire! It's like a scene out of a horror movie! (-2) Cockodile Dundee is bleeding from a gaping wound... (-10) Cockodile Dundee ruffles feathers and intimidates Jimminy Snicket (-6) Jimminy Snicket charges forward and drives Cockodile Dundee back with a mighty shoulder charge. (-2) Cockodile Dundee is bleeding heavily from an open wound... (-15) Cockodile Dundee suddenly grows twice their size and stomps down on Jimminy Snicket with their enormous talons. (-6) Jimminy Snicket charges forward and slams into Cockodile Dundee with incredible force. (-2) Cockodile Dundee is bleeding from a severe gash... (-20) Jimminy Snicket has won the match! Block Height - 17533033 Battle Hash - 44e6b2db7f457cd762df9adab222b5ab7c18727fc45d5cda0a429e4f472d2bea