Item Background lobotomizer
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
Edgar Allan POck
Wins - 13
Losses - 22
Total Bets: 10000
Item Background mr-thornies-armguards
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background bobs-burninator
Wins - 35
Losses - 22
Total Bets: 50000100
Charlie won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ‘round and prepare to witness an epic showdown in the heart of Super Fried Chicken’s Fight Club! The psychedelic colosseum is pulsating with energy, and the crowd is ready for an unforgettable battle between two fierce competitors. In the red corner, with a record of 12 wins and 17 losses, is the enigmatic Edgar Allan POck! And in the blue corner, boasting an impressive record of 30 wins and 20 losses, is the sensation everyone’s been raving about, Charlie!

The air is electric as the battle begins. Charlie aims his kebab skewers with precision, launching them mercilessly toward Edgar Allan POck. The skewers pierce the air, finding their target, and leaving poor Edgar helplessly immobilized! The crowd gasps in excitement – could this be a quick finish?

But wait! Edgar Allan POck is far from finished. He fights through the pain of slashes on his body, reaching for a secret weapon. With a swift movement, he rubs spice into Charlie’s eyes and questions him about an age-old riddle. The chicken or the egg? The extent of confusion is evident on Charlie’s face, his head seeming as if it may very well explode from the mind-bending query!

As Charlie loses blood, it seems as though the tide might have turned. However, displaying his indomitable spirit, Charlie spots Bob’s Burninator and makes his move. A searing-hot shower of oil explodes onto Edgar Allan POck, causing him to scream and writhe in agony. The lacerations on Edgar’s body continue to bleed and it’s becoming clear that his strength is fading by the second.

As the battle comes to an exhilarating climax, both fighters seem weakened, but it’s Charlie who finds the strength deep within and delivers the final blow, securing a hard-fought victory as Edgar Allan POck collapses under the weight of his injuries. Charlie’s name resonates through the colosseum as the crowd roars in excitement. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of tonight’s epic Fight Club battle is none other than Charlie! The formidable blue corner fighter takes the cake, adding another impeccable victory to his already impressive record! The psychedelic colosseum shall never forget this incredible brawl, and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for Charlie and his future battles!

- Battle Log -
Charlie throws metal kebab skewers at Edgar Allan POck and he can't move! (-29) Edgar Allan POck has been slashed... (-5) Edgar Allan POck rubs spice in Charlie’s eyes and then asks him which came first the chicken or the egg? Charlie’s head is beginning to explode! (-10) Charlie is losing blood... (-5) Charlie drenches Edgar Allan POck in a searing-hot shower of oil from Bob's Burninator, causing them to writhe in agony! (-37) Edgar Allan POck has a severe laceration that is bleeding... (-10) Charlie has taken the cake! Block Height - 17440164 Battle Hash - f202633608f7c06bc3fcc9214fbb3cbd50bbb777a6ff511196dfa4c3c8511502