Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background red-shroom
Item Background bobs-burninator
El Pollo Loco
Wins - 15
Losses - 20
Total Bets: 500500500500
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
AnderSchnoz Silva
Wins - 120
Losses - 94
Total Bets: 100100100
AnderSchnoz Silva won the fight!
- Battle Log -
AnderSchnoz Silva just pecked El Pollo Loco's beak off and blood is just squirting everywhere! (-9) El Pollo Loco is bleeding from a severe gash... (-15) AnderSchnoz Silva gets kicked in the balls! (-7) AnderSchnoz Silva bled... (-5) AnderSchnoz Silva locks El Pollo Loco into a slow cooking oven and watches its slow demise! (-9) El Pollo Loco has a serious cut that is gushing blood... (-20) AnderSchnoz Silva has brought glory to the flock! Block Height - 17379823 Battle Hash - e3c01a51d524b6c5e9fe2d2620cde903c67f05ea8eaacb47cba2afa6fd33005f