Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, freaks and frenzied fowl, gather ‘round and prepare for a spectacle of psychedelic proportions! Welcome to the SFC Fight Club, where the air is thick with anticipation and the lights are absolutely mind-bending! Tonight, we bring you a fierce and thrilling match between two fighters, each boasting their own wild and unpredictable abilities.
In the red corner, we have the underdog, the egg-tossing, the radioactive rascal, Sergio Kok! With a record of 6 wins and 14 losses, he’s a scrappy scrapper whose passion can’t be cooped up.
In the blue corner, the legendary, the all-consuming, the ever-mutating, FrogHorn Leghorn! This formidable fowl stands tall with a record of 101 wins and 82 losses. Will this seasoned contender extend his overwhelming record? Let’s find out!
The bell rings, and the fight begins! Without missing a beat, FrogHorn Leghorn suddenly sprouts a third eye on his forehead. The crowd gasps as he unleashes a powerful psychic blast that leaves Sergio Kok dazed and confused! Oh, the poultry pandemonium!
But Sergio is not down for the count. He musters his strength and retaliates by hurling radioactive eggs right into FrogHorn Leghorn’s face. With each splatter, FrogHorn Leghorn’s eyes start bleeding as he tries to pick up what remains of his kids! The crowd is on the edge of their seats, and the intensity in the colosseum is otherworldly.
Wiping the egg remnants from his face, FrogHorn Leghorn seizes the opportunity to deliver a vicious elbow strike to Sergio Kok’s temple. The impact sends shockwaves of pain through the arena. But that doesn’t stop Sergio Kok from continuing to give his all.
Still, Sergio Kok’s valiant efforts are no match for the damage he has sustained, and he can’t stop bleeding. The referee steps in to examine the deep wound as the crowd holds its breath. And then comes the moment we’ve all been waiting for: the referee raises FrogHorn Leghorn’s wing in victory!
FrogHorn Leghorn has won the match, adding another triumphant win to his impressive record. The colosseum roars with an electrifying mix of cheers and disbelief as the defeated Sergio Kok stands, battered but proud. What a wild and exhilarating clash! Thank you all for joining us on this cosmic ride through SFC’s Fight Club, and stay tuned for our next outrageous showdown!
FrogHorn Leghorn suddenly sprouts a third eye on their forehead, unleashing a powerful psychic blast that leaves Sergio Kok dazed and confused. (-3)
Sergio Kok is bleeding profusely from a deep wound... (-15)
Sergio Kok throws radioactive eggs in his opponent’s face and FrogHorn Leghorn's eyes start bleeding while he tries to pick up what remains of his kids! (-6)
FrogHorn Leghorn delivers a vicious elbow strike to Sergio Kok's temple. (-6)
Sergio Kok can't stop bleeding... (-15)
FrogHorn Leghorn has won the match!
Block Height - 17352812
Battle Hash - c804a51bef94e2c94d171dc10590c4474f225c6e3174a51f124470ba3469de51