Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your feathers as we witness the explosive conflict between two of SFC Fight Club’s finest warriors! Coming to you live from the psychedelic colosseum, where the air is charged with excitement and anticipation!
In the red corner, with a record of 9-7, the courageous and fearless Indiana Cocks! In the blue corner, having an illustrious record of 117-91, the fearsome SunSpots McCock!
The fight kicks off with a spectacular move as SunSpots McCock swings the Bird Brained Flail like a helicopter, soaring into the sky and then crashing down with the force of a thousand cocks, impacting Indiana Cocks’s head! (-4) Indiana Cocks retaliates by spraying a super-heated mist from Bob’s Burninator, causing SunSpots McCock to reel in pain, coughing and choking on the scorching fumes! (-8)
Unfazed, SunSpots McCock swings the Bird Brained Flail again, sending a shockwave of sound that shatters the windows of the nearby buildings! (-4) The crowd roars with excitement as Indiana Cocks bites down on SunSpots McCock’s feathers and gives them a vicious pull! (-8)
Refusing to back down, SunSpots McCock flings the Bird Brained Flail like a boomerang, striking Indiana Cocks right in their tail feathers! (-2) Indiana Cocks fires back by flapping their wings with an immense force, creating a massive gust of wind that sends SunSpots McCock tumbling backwards! (-8) As the tension ratchets up, we see SunSpots McCock bleed profusely! (-5)
Driven by desperation, SunSpots McCock swings the Bird Brained Flail one more time, unleashing a swarm of furious birds onto Indiana Cocks! (-2) Indiana Cocks suffers a severe gash, blood gushing from the battle-hardened bird! (-15) But with a final, epic display of power, Indiana Cocks unleashes a deafening sonic rooster morning call, blowing out SunSpots McCock’s eardrums! (-16) In agony, SunSpots McCock’s wound bleeds more and more, sapping their strength! (-5)
And there you have it, folks! Against all odds, Indiana Cocks emerges victorious and proves their dominance over the formidable SunSpots McCock! What a wild, unforgettable showdown in the SFC Fight Club! Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the triumphant Indiana Cocks!
SunSpots McCock swings the Bird Brained Flail like a helicopter allowing him to fly high into the air. He then smashes Indiana Cocks's head with the force of 1000 cocks! (-4)
Indiana Cocks sprays a super-heated mist from Bob's Burninator, leaving SunSpots McCock coughing and choking on the scorching fumes! (-8)
SunSpots McCock swings the Bird Brained Flail and sends a shockwave of sound that shatters all of the windows in the nearby buildings! (-4)
Indiana Cocks bites down on SunSpots McCock's feathers and pulls (-8)
SunSpots McCock flings the Bird Brained Flail at Indiana Cocks like a boomerang, hitting Indiana Cocks in the tail feathers! (-2)
Indiana Cocks flaps their wings so hard that they create a massive gust of wind that sends SunSpots McCock tumbling backwards. (-8)
SunSpots McCock is bleeding... (-5)
SunSpots McCock swings the Bird Brained Flail and unleashes a swarm of angry birds at Indiana Cocks! (-2)
Indiana Cocks has a serious cut that is gushing blood... (-15)
Indiana Cocks screams out a sonic rooster morning call that blows out SunSpots McCock's ear drums! (-16)
SunSpots McCock has a wound that is bleeding slowly... (-5)
Indiana Cocks has dominated his bitchass!
Block Height - 17319964
Battle Hash - 93d36e975021cfa0e47520f42a64402c7842e9407e62fc06d709f20d019ecec5