Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background lsd-wing
Item Background bobs-burninator
Popcorn CockArrel
Wins - 17
Losses - 17
Total Bets: 200200200200
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
SunSpots McCock
Wins - 133
Losses - 99
Total Bets: 1000000100
SunSpots McCock won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, degens from all corners of the galaxy, welcome to the Super Fried Chicken Fight Club! Today we have a psychedelic, high-stakes battle for the ages between two fierce and fiery fighters! In the red corner, we have the relentless Popcorn CockArrel with a record of 11-10, and in the blue corner, the fearsome SunSpots McCock, boasting a record of 116-91.

The atmosphere at the colosseum is electric, and the fight begins! Popcorn CockArrel lands a punishing hook to SunSpots McCock’s liver, doubling them over in pain. Undeterred, SunSpots McCock retaliates with a blazing inferno from the infamous Bob’s Burninator! Popcorn CockArrel is left reeling in shock and disbelief by this explosive strike.

Both fighters are now showing signs of damage. Popcorn CockArrel is bleeding from a shallow cut, while SunSpots McCock’s eye is bleeding as well. In a sizzling play, Popcorn CockArrel tries to employ hot oil from his bucket—talk about taking Super Fried Chicken to a whole new level!

Irked by his opponent’s cheeky moves, SunSpots McCock unleashes a barrage of tactical tapping. The frustration builds in Popcorn CockArrel, the relentless tapping like death by a thousand pecks. As the battle continues, both warriors show wear and tear. Each is bleeding heavily and probably wondering how much more they can take.

In a surprising turn of events, Popcorn CockArrel lands a critical hit that knocks SunSpots McCock off balance. However, determined to show who’s boss, SunSpots McCock swiftly counters with another searing blast from Bob’s Burninator, leaving Popcorn CockArrel in a state of shock.

With both fighters severely wounded, it’s clear this battle won’t go on much longer. Popcorn CockArrel struggles with a laceration that just won’t stop bleeding. The end is nigh, and true to their tenacious spirit, SunSpots McCock emerges VICTORIOUS against Popcorn CockArrel!

Wipe the sweat off your brow and the feathers off your seat, fight fans, because this one was a scorcher! We celebrate the triumph of SunSpots McCock, our Super Fried Chicken Fight Club champion of the evening. Let’s hear it for these two superb, never-say-die warriors, who thrilled with us every step of the way!

- Battle Log -
Popcorn CockArrel lands a brutal hook to SunSpots McCock's liver, causing them to double over in pain. (-5) SunSpots McCock unleashes a super-hot blast from Bob's Burninator, leaving Popcorn CockArrel in a state of shock and disbelief! (-8) Popcorn CockArrel is bleeding from a shallow cut... (-5) Popcorn CockArrel is taking Super Fried Chicken too literally with that hot oil in his bucket. SunSpots McCock is so fried we should send his ass to Popeye's to be sold as an 8 piece! (-5) SunSpots McCock's eye is bleeding... (-5) SunSpots McCock is tapping the living shit out of Popcorn CockArrel! The frustration is building, death by annoying tapping... (-8) Popcorn CockArrel is bleeding heavily from an open wound... (-10) Popcorn CockArrel lands a critical hit that knocks SunSpots McCock off balance! (-5) SunSpots McCock has a nasty gash that is bleeding... (-5) SunSpots McCock unleashes a super-hot blast from Bob's Burninator, leaving Popcorn CockArrel in a state of shock and disbelief! (-4) Popcorn CockArrel has a severe laceration that is bleeding... (-15) SunSpots McCock is victorious against Popcorn CockArrel! Block Height - 17319570 Battle Hash - 07714cf77a1778683abc28e05b6e6b763bdbef7646b98f3e284426b5d2df68b2