Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bobs-burninator
Spartacus Longcock
Wins - 27
Losses - 28
Total Bets: 100
Item Background paper-cutter
Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Wins - 4
Losses - 5
Total Bets: 1000000100
Levon won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the SFC Fight Club where the air is bursting with excitement! Tonight, we have an unforgettable matchup—Spartacus Longcock, the seasoned warrior, against Levon, the rising star!

The atmosphere is charged as the fighters enter the psychedelic colosseum. In the red corner, we have the fierce Spartacus Longcock, a battle-tested brawler with a record of 22-20! And in the blue corner, we have the wildcard newcomer, Levon, who holds a record of 3-4.

As the fight begins, Levon wastes no time in unleashing a super-hot blast from Bob’s Burninator, leaving Spartacus Longcock reeling in shock and disbelief! But Spartacus is not one to go down easily. Sporting a bleeding shallow wound, with blood dripping down his feathers, he counterattacks by summoning a swarm of razor-sharp blades that slice through Levon like butter!

Both fighters are now bleeding and losing strength, but they press on, determined to fight to the bitter end. Levon drenches Spartacus Longcock in a searing-hot shower of oil from Bob’s Burninator, causing him to writhe in agony! As Spartacus attempts to shake it off, blood starts gushing from his wound at an alarming rate.

Temporarily unmoved by his worsening condition, Spartacus channels the power of the earth, causing a massive earthquake that swallows Levon whole! But Levon is not ready to admit defeat just yet. Breaking free from the crumbling debris, they unleash a blazing-hot wave of oil from Bob’s Burninator, causing Spartacus Longcock to cower in fear!

The wound on Spartacus Longcock’s side now bleeds heavily, taking a toll on his ability to continue fighting. And in an unexpected turn of events, Levon, fueled by adrenaline, seizes the opportunity and ultimately secures the W!

In this thrilling battle that kept everyone on the edge of their seats, Levon has proven that even underdogs can prevail against the most challenging of opponents! The SFC Fight Club roars in approval as Levon claims a victory to remember! The legend of the psychedelic chickens grows ever stronger as the crowd eagerly awaits the next mind-bending battle in this astonishing series of epic showdowns!

- Battle Log -
Levon unleashes a super-hot blast from Bob's Burninator, leaving Spartacus Longcock in a state of shock and disbelief! (-14) Spartacus Longcock is bleeding from a shallow wound... (-5) Spartacus Longcock unleashes a swarm of razor-sharp blades that slice through Levon like butter! (-6) Levon is losing blood... (-5) Levon drenches Spartacus Longcock in a searing-hot shower of oil from Bob's Burninator, causing them to writhe in agony! (-7) Spartacus Longcock can't stop bleeding... (-10) Spartacus Longcock channels the power of the earth, causing a massive earthquake to swallow Levon whole! (-6) Levon's wound is bleeding steadily... (-5) Levon unleashes a blazing-hot wave of oil from Bob's Burninator, causing Spartacus Longcock to cower in fear! (-14) Spartacus Longcock's wound is bleeding heavily... (-15) Levon has secured the W! Block Height - 17318445 Battle Hash - 8c4fd68ee4eeae15b74a005cb37e1a11077e96a45bbb8dd2ab6058540c4f9a23