Item Background beak-guard
Item Background paper-cutter
Item Background golden-tenderizer
Dead Beat Bonanza
Wins - 15
Losses - 22
Total Bets: 100
Item Background gravy
Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background hunters-med-pack
Super Fried Chicken #2
Wins - 19
Losses - 23
Total Bets: 1000000100
Super Fried Chicken #2 won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the psychedelic showdown of the century! I’m your fight announcer, and we are here tonight at the SFC Fight Club, a place where the weird, wild, and whimsical come to life! As the dazzling lights shine upon our intergalactic arena, we brace ourselves for a high-stakes duel between two of our greatest feathered fighters!

In the red corner, with a record of 12 wins and 14 losses, weighing in at an astonishing mass of muscle and mania, we have the crazy clucker known as Dead Beat Bonanza! And in the blue corner, with an impressive 17 wins and 21 losses, we have the winged champion himself, Super Fried Chicken #2!

As the fight begins, Super Fried Chicken #2 wastes no time asserting his dominance, delivering the ultimate titty twister to Dead Beat Bonanza! With feathers flying, Bonanza cries out in pain – he won’t be growing back those plumages anytime soon, that’s for sure!

Dead Beat Bonanza, wounded and bleeding slowly, is determined not to go down without a fight. With an earth-shattering attack, he sends a shockwave through the arena and straight to the feet of Super Fried Chicken #2! The crowd roars with excitement!

Not to be outdone, Super Fried Chicken #2 ups the ante! With a swift and cruel peck to Dead Beat Bonanza’s wings, he leaves his opponent floundering, wings clipped. Blood pours from the gash, and SFC #2 goes that extra mile, securing a tourniquet to ensure Bonanza suffers the full sting of that injury. The sheer audacity and brutality of this move leaves the audience gasping in amazement!

Dead Beat Bonanza begins to falter, unable to stop the bleeding. As a ruthless predator, Super Fried Chicken #2 shows no mercy. With wicked precision and impeccable technique, he truly dominates his weakened foe.

In an explosive finale, it is Super Fried Chicken #2 who emerges victorious! Ladies and gentlemen, let’s hear it for our winner – the unstoppable, insatiable, and utterly sensational Super Fried Chicken #2! This is a fight for the ages, cementing his place in the annals of SFC Fight Club history!

- Battle Log -
Super Fried Chicken #2 gives Dead Beat Bonanza the ultimate titty twister. Dead Beat Bonanza's feathers won't be growing back anytime soon! (-20) Dead Beat Bonanza has a wound that is bleeding slowly... (-5) The force of Dead Beat Bonanza's attack creates a shockwave that shakes the earth beneath Super Fried Chicken #2's feet! (-14) Super Fried Chicken #2 pecked into the wings of Dead Beat Bonanza. Oh, It's nasty! Super Fried Chicken #2 just applied the tourniquet, Dead Beat Bonanza is bleeding out. What a nasty TURN of events, pun intended! (-25) Dead Beat Bonanza can't stop bleeding... (-10) Super Fried Chicken #2 has dominated his bitchass! Block Height - 17318401 Battle Hash - 99066f65557aabbcb60cb0cf4e86a262ac5a5c339ceb1a9638e895355ef887f9