Item Background mr-thornies-armguards
Item Background golden-tenderizer
Item Background paper-cutter
Spice Goblin
Wins - 6
Losses - 6
Total Bets: 100
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background hunters-med-pack
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Nevermind the BuzzCocks...
Wins - 105
Losses - 90
Total Bets: 100
Spice Goblin won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your seats because we are about to witness an epic encounter between two phenomenal fighters right here in the SFC’s wild and intoxicating Fight Club!

In the red corner, a blazing ball of ferocity, we have Spice Goblin, with a record of 5-4; a tenacious contender who has proven that they have what it takes to stand and trade in this psychedelic colosseum. And in the blue corner, a legend in their own right, with a remarkable record of 103-85, we have Nevermind the BuzzCocks…! This beast is an unpredictable whirlwind of chaos, leaving destruction in their wake!

The bell rings, and the fight is on! Nevermind the BuzzCocks… wastes no time, slashing at Spice Goblin with its vicious sharp talons, drawing first blood. The crowd roars in excitement as Spice Goblin shakes off the attack, retaliating with deadly precision. Spice Goblin delivers a devastating assault that leaves Nevermind the BuzzCocks… teetering on the ropes! The air crackles with anticipation; could this be a fast finish?

Nevermind the BuzzCocks… is far from defeated, though, as they charge up their strength and obliterate Spice Goblin with a bone-crushing blow! The energy in the psychedelic colosseum surges as the fight begins to escalate into a wild frenzy of strength and determination.

But Spice Goblin is not to be underestimated! In a dazzling display of sheer power, Spice Goblin unleashes a swarm of razor-sharp blades that slice through Nevermind the BuzzCocks… like butter! The sheer force of this incredible attack sends shockwaves through the arena, leaving every spectator in awe.

And there it is, ladies and gentlemen – Spice Goblin’s relentless assault has proven to be too much for Nevermind the BuzzCocks… to handle. With one last thunderous blow, Spice Goblin sends Nevermind the BuzzCocks… 6 feet under!

Let it be known that in this electric battlefield of psychedelic warriors, Spice Goblin deserves all the recognition, admiration, and glory for their outstanding victory tonight! The crowd goes wild, roaring with exhilaration as Spice Goblin stands victorious in the center of the colosseum, basking in the triumph they so rightfully earned. On this night in the SFC’s Fight Club, legends were truly born!

- Battle Log -
Nevermind the BuzzCocks... slashes at Spice Goblin with its sharp talons. (-1) Spice Goblin delivers a precise and deadly attack that leaves Nevermind the BuzzCocks... on the ropes! (-25) Nevermind the BuzzCocks... charges up its strength and delivers a bone-crushing blow to Spice Goblin! (-2) Spice Goblin unleashes a swarm of razor-sharp blades that slice through Nevermind the BuzzCocks... like butter! (-26) Spice Goblin has put Nevermind the BuzzCocks... 6 feet under! Block Height - 17277845 Battle Hash - 8e659bbe29ac00dda0f67450745d82aad94727af00d6f395b2589f491ce6f3b6