Item Background mr-thornies-armguards
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Item Background frog-skin-shield
Hooty Hoot Hoot
Wins - 0
Losses - 8
Total Bets: 100
Item Background hunters-med-pack
Item Background blue-bulls
Item Background bobs-burninator
Electric Kool-Aid
Wins - 3
Losses - 5
Total Bets: 100
Electric Kool-Aid won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your tail feathers and let’s give a warm welcome to Super Fried Chicken Fight Club’s latest mind-bending showdown! Sparks are going to fly tonight as Hooty Hoot Hoot faces off against Electric Kool-Aid in this psychedelic colosseum of chaos!

In the red corner, standing at 0 wins and 5 losses, the underdog with an attitude, Hooty Hoot Hoot! Over in the blue corner, with a record of 2 wins and 5 losses, the electrifying wild card, Electric Kool-Aid!

The mind-warping action begins as Hooty Hoot Hoot strikes first, landing a fierce roundhouse kick that sends Electric Kool-Aid stumbling backward. But Electric Kool-Aid isn’t fazed for long – they retaliate by throwing metal kebab skewers at Hooty, leaving him momentarily immobilized. The crowd is already going wild!

Unwilling to accept defeat so early in the game, Hooty Hoot Hoot charges forward, slamming into Electric Kool-Aid with incredible force. Electric Kool-Aid takes the hit and comes back with a vicious elbow strike to Hooty Hoot Hoot’s temple. Blood starts trickling from Hooty’s shallow wound, but he’s not out yet!

In an awe-inspiring display of determination, Hooty Hoot Hoot swings the Bird Brained Flail like a helicopter, taking flight high into the air. He then crashes down onto Electric Kool-Aid’s head with the force of 1000 cocks! The crowd is on the edge of their seats, the tension escalating with every passing moment.

However, Electric Kool-Aid refuses to give in, unleashing a devastating attack that leaves Hooty Hoot Hoot gasping for air. As Hooty’s wound begins bleeding heavily, it’s clear that the end is near.

With a final surge of dizzying colors and swirling energy, it’s Electric Kool-Aid who comes out as the triumphant victor! What a sensational, mind-boggling battle between these two psychedelic warriors!

Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the amazing display of combat and let’s hear it for the winner – Electric Kool-Aid! Their ascension to victory will be etched into the annals of Super Fried Chicken Fight Club history! Until the next frenzy unfolds, keep your eyes and beaks wide open for more out-of-this-world action!

- Battle Log -
Hooty Hoot Hoot lands a fierce roundhouse kick, causing Electric Kool-Aid to stumble backwards. (-11) Electric Kool-Aid throws metal kebab skewers at Hooty Hoot Hoot and he can't move! (-4) Hooty Hoot Hoot charges forward and slams into Electric Kool-Aid with incredible force. (-11) Electric Kool-Aid delivers a vicious elbow strike to Hooty Hoot Hoot's temple. (-5) Hooty Hoot Hoot is bleeding from a shallow wound... (-5) Hooty Hoot Hoot swings the Bird Brained Flail like a helicopter allowing him to fly high into the air. He then smashes Electric Kool-Aid's head with the force of 1000 cocks! (-11) Electric Kool-Aid unleashes a devastating attack that leaves Hooty Hoot Hoot gasping for air! (-7) Hooty Hoot Hoot's wound is bleeding heavily... (-10) Electric Kool-Aid has secured the W! Block Height - 17268567 Battle Hash - 5014d01f0bb1086cc3dbec212d8cdcbcdecb5bb4b77e8b256bdae4ac513bcd1a