Item Background lobotomizer
Item Background frog-skin-shield
Item Background golden-tenderizer
John Cocktostan
Wins - 9
Losses - 14
Total Bets: 100
Item Background lobotomizer
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background golden-tenderizer
Sensitive Tip
Wins - 8
Losses - 4
Total Bets: 100
Sensitive Tip won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, degens and outcasts of the ethereal world, welcome to the heart-stopping, the pulse-pounding, Super Fried Chicken’s Fight Club! Tonight, in this psychedelic colosseum, we bear witness to a brawl of epic proportions. Folks, hold on to your feathers, because you are in for a wild ride!

In the red corner, with a record of 9 wins and 12 losses, we have the raging rooster, the daring destroyer – John Cocktostan! And in the blue corner, with a record of 6 wins and just 2 losses, he’s the fighting phenomenon, the master of mind games – Sensitive Tip!

The air is thick with anticipation, and as the bell rings, the fighters unleash hell on each other. With quick reflexes, Sensitive Tip dodges an early assault, only to take a brute punch to the face by John Cocktostan. The crowd gasps as Sensitive Tip (-22) staggers, but this feathered fiend isn’t going down so easily.

Gathering his strength, Sensitive Tip storms back, intimidating John Cocktostan with a fierce glare. Sensing the bloodlust, John Cocktostan struggles to hold his ground. Sensitive Tip, seizing the moment, unleashes a powerful barrage of attacks, overwhelming John Cocktostan with a force unseen in these psychedelic caverns! The damage dealt is massive! (-31)

As the crowd cheers on these titans of the chicken world, we see John Cocktostan’s nose dripping crimson. (-5) It becomes evident that the fierce defender of the red corner is faltering. Sensitive Tip, perhaps taking pity on his opponent, lands one final critical blow, securing his victory over John Cocktostan.

In a stunning display of dominance, it is Sensitive Tip who stands triumphant! The arena explodes with applause and the thunderous cheers of an ecstatic crowd. Sensitive Tip’s victory shines brightly in the neon haze of the Fight Club, cementing his place as a rising superstar in this wild, unpredictable world.

Both fighters, battered and exhausted but filled with pride, make their way back to their corners. John Cocktostan, despite his loss, has shown grit and courage, earning the admiration of the audience. But tonight, it is Sensitive Tip who takes home the glory, and we here at the Super Fried Chicken’s Fight Club salute his valiant victory!

- Battle Log -
Sensitive Tip gets punched in the face! (-22) Sensitive Tip unleashes a powerful barrage of attacks, overwhelming John Cocktostan with its strength! (-31) John Cocktostan's nose is bleeding... (-5) Sensitive Tip is triumphant! Block Height - 17269040 Battle Hash - 4f1af6f372cba88b1500a14e6aaadb6c4006e7e7f8cb69c062053301465b12f4