Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background mr-thornies-armguards
SunSpots McCock
Wins - 133
Losses - 99
Total Bets: 100
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background gravy
Item Background bobs-burninator
Fire in hole, red on head #2510
Wins - 0
Losses - 2
Total Bets: 100100100
SunSpots McCock won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, feathered friends and fiends, welcome to the wildest showdown on this side of the coop – the SFC Fight Club! Tonight, we’ve got a psychedelic battle for the ages between two of the strangest fighters ever hatched!

In the red corner, we have the formidable SunSpots McCock, with a record of 113 wins and 90 losses! This seasoned brawler is a force to be reckoned with, but can he withstand the untamed ferocity of his opponent tonight?

And in the blue corner, we have the rookie, the wildcard, the unknown – Fire in hole, red on head #2510! With a record of 0 wins and 1 loss, tonight could be his big debut, or it could be another crushing defeat. Only time will tell!

The battle begins, and Fire in hole, red on head #2510 wastes no time in throwing a barrage of pecks at SunSpots McCock! But SunSpots McCock retaliates with a patented move, stuffing Fire in hole, red on head #2510 into the bucket-o-chicken! The crowd goes wild!

Bloodied but not completely beaten, Fire in hole, red on head #2510 lashes out with a stunning blast of Bob’s Burninator, setting SunSpots McCock aflame and momentarily turning the Fight Club into a scene from a twisted poultry horror film!

SunSpots rallies and, showing no mercy, karate chops Fire in hole, red on head #2510 square in the neck! Blood pours from a cut on #2510’s wing, as both combatants tear into each other with wild abandon.

In a final desperate move, Fire in hole, red on head #2510 hurls radioactive eggs at SunSpots McCock, who recoils in horror as his eyes bleed and he struggles to gather up the scorched remains of his offspring.

But SunSpots McCock has a surprise up his feathery sleeves! With a deafening roar, he transforms into a giant, crushing Fire in hole, red on head #2510 underfoot. The pressure is too much, and as the wing of #2510 spouts blood, the blue corner collapses.

The Fight Club quakes with energy as SunSpots McCock stands triumphant, once more proving his dominance in these psychedelic battles. Let it be known, in the SFC Fight Club, no bird is safe, and SunSpots McCock is the name to beat. All hail SunSpots McCock, winner of this exhilarating bout!

- Battle Log -
Fire in hole, red on head #2510 throws a barrage of pecks at SunSpots McCock. (-2) SunSpots McCock stuffs Fire in hole, red on head #2510 in the bucket-o-chicken! (-8) Fire in hole, red on head #2510 bled... (-5) Fire in hole, red on head #2510 blasts SunSpots McCock with Bob's Burninator, setting them on fire! It's like a scene out of a horror movie! (-4) SunSpots McCock karate chops Fire in hole, red on head #2510's neck! (-8) Fire in hole, red on head #2510 has a bleeding cut on their wing... (-5) Fire in hole, red on head #2510 throws radioactive eggs in his opponent’s face and SunSpots McCock's eyes start bleeding while he tries to pick up what remains of his kids! (-6) SunSpots McCock's nose is bleeding... (-5) With a fierce roar, SunSpots McCock transforms into a giant, crushing Fire in hole, red on head #2510 underfoot! (-15) Fire in hole, red on head #2510 has a bleeding cut on their wing... (-5) SunSpots McCock FTW! Block Height - 17270032 Battle Hash - be93752b0aa5135d5fef23406a79c3d6ede301343c65dc7dab31ace9ed4f70ac