Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background frog-skin-shield
Super Fried Chicken #1613
Wins - 13
Losses - 17
Total Bets: 100
Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background bobs-burninator
Item Background lobotomizer
Chief ChickenzY
Wins - 25
Losses - 31
Total Bets: 1000100
Chief ChickenzY won the fight!
- Summary -

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the SFC’s Fight Club, where the psychedelic action never stops! Tonight, we have a spectacular matchup between two seasoned fighters. In the red corner, with a record of 13-16, we have the unpredictable, the unstoppable – Super Fried Chicken #1613! And, in the blue corner, boasting an impressive record of 23-29, the master of the elements, the almighty – Chief ChickenzY!

The atmosphere is electric as the fight begins! With a mighty roar, Chief ChickenzY calls upon the power of the elements, causing a massive tidal wave to crash down on Super Fried Chicken #1613! The crowd gasps in awe as Super Fried Chicken #1613 emerges with a bleeding eye, woozy from the impact.

But Super Fried Chicken #1613 isn’t down yet! Quick as a flash, it strikes with incredible speed and precision, leaving Chief ChickenzY unable to react! Chief ChickenzY takes the hit and feels a slow bleed from the wound. The audience is holding their breath; this fight could go either way!

Not to be outdone by its opponent, Chief ChickenzY makes a comeback! With a flick of the wrist, it summons another massive tidal wave that crashes down on Super Fried Chicken #1613, clearly determined to win! The water splashes over the entire colosseum as Super Fried Chicken #1613 struggles, bleeding from a gaping wound.

The audience, unable to look away from this mind-blowing spectacle, screams their support for both fighters. But, as the dust and water settle, it’s clear who is standing tall: Chief ChickenzY! That’s right, folks, Chief ChickenzY claimed victory in this intense and thrilling battle!

So, let’s give it up for our winner, Chief ChickenzY, as it basks in the limelight and the admiration of the crowd! And let us not forget the valiant effort put forth by Super Fried Chicken #1613. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for these extraordinary fighters as they continue their wild journeys in the SFC’s Fight Club! Stay tuned for more high-octane action and far-out entertainment! Safe travels, psychedelic warriors!

- Battle Log -
Chief ChickenzY calls upon the power of the elements, causing a massive tidal wave to crash down on Super Fried Chicken #1613! (-17) Super Fried Chicken #1613's eye is bleeding... (-5) Super Fried Chicken #1613 strikes with incredible speed and precision, leaving Chief ChickenzY unable to react! (-19) Chief ChickenzY has a wound that is bleeding slowly... (-5) With a flick of the wrist, Chief ChickenzY summons a massive tidal wave that crashes down on Super Fried Chicken #1613! (-17) Super Fried Chicken #1613 is bleeding from a gaping wound... (-10) Chief ChickenzY is victorious! Block Height - 17265254 Battle Hash - 813338c2c735430312e96eec1f0c31db77125bba529d42c83ddab799821c2400