Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the SFC Fight Club! The energy is electric tonight as we witness a battle of epic proportions. In the left corner, we have Dandy Tiddler, a force to be reckoned with in the ring. And in the right corner, we have loose bone saw, looking to take home the win.
The bell rings and both fighters come out swinging. Dandy Tiddler unleashes a powerful barrage of attacks, overwhelming loose bone saw with its strength. The crowd roars with excitement as the two fighters exchange blows.
But loose bone saw isn’t going down without a fight. He shoves Dandy Tiddler into the meat freezer, hoping to gain the upper hand. The crowd watches in stunned silence as they see Dandy Tiddler trapped, but to their relief, they see the chicken break free with an incredible surge of power.
Dandy Tiddler comes back with a vengeance, throwing radioactive eggs in his opponent’s face. Loose bone saw’s eyes start bleeding as he tries to pick up what remains of his kids. The crowd watches in horror as they see the effects of Dandy Tiddler’s attack.
Loose bone saw tries to counter with a Bird Brained Flail, whipping up a shockwave of sonic booms that rattle Dandy Tiddler. But the resilient bird manages to hold his ground.
The battle heats up even more as Dandy Tiddler throws NAIR all over loose bone saw. It’s a gross sight as feathers fall off the chicken, revealing his bare ass. The crowd cringes in disgust as they watch the fight unfold.
As the fight comes to a close, it’s clear that Dandy Tiddler has emerged victorious. The crowd erupts into cheers as they see their champion take home the win. Barstow has a new hero, and his name is Dandy Tiddler!
What a night, what a fight! We can’t wait to see what kind of chaos ensues in the Fight Club next. Stay tuned, folks!
Dandy Tiddler unleashes a powerful barrage of attacks, overwhelming loose bone saw with its strength! (-20)
loose bone saw shoves Dandy Tiddler into the meat freezer! (-10)
Dandy Tiddler throws radioactive eggs in his opponent’s face and loose bone saw's eyes start bleeding while he tries to pick up what remains of his kids! (-20)
loose bone saw whips the Bird Brained Flail and creates a shockwave of sonic booms that rattle Dandy Tiddler! (-10)
Dandy Tiddler just threw NAIR all over him, oh boy thats bad. Feathers are falling off loose bone saw, this is just gross, you can see his bare ass! (-20)
Dandy Tiddler has made Barstow proud!
Block Height - 17250010
Battle Hash - 388b22c71099b343f565dbd9e12f417e580ac1fd9e65bb4b7bcbe746bdf87dad