Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SFC’s Fight Club! The crowd is roaring with excitement as we get ready for tonight’s showdown. The fighters have entered the ring and they’re ready for battle. The stakes are high and the tension is palpable.
Our first fighter, Smackdown, comes out swinging with a rug project. But Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI has other plans as they dodge the attack with lightning-fast reflexes. Smackdown is left stunned as all their tendies are gone in a flash.
Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI isn’t stopping there though. They come back with a vengeance and deliver a bone-shattering kick to Smackdown’s ribcage. The crowd erupts in excitement as Smackdown stumbles backwards, trying to shake off the hit.
But wait! Smackdown isn’t down for the count just yet. They unleash a blistering-hot wave of oil from Bob’s Burninator aimed right at Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI. The heat is intense and even the crowd can feel the burn.
However, Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI doesn’t let the attack get to them. They channel their inner willpower and stand firm, unfazed by the flames. The crowd is in awe as they witness a true display of strength and determination.
And just like that, it’s over. Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI has emerged victorious! The crowd goes wild as they cheer on the champion. It was a thrilling match filled with twists and turns, but in the end, Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI reigns supreme. Congratulations to our winner!
Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI launches a rug project. Smackdown gets scammed of all their tendies! (-24)
Smackdown unleashes a blazing-hot wave of oil from Bob's Burninator, causing Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI to cower in fear! (-12)
Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI delivers a bone-shattering kick to Smackdown's ribcage. (-31)
Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI Oh BOI has won the match!
Block Height - 17253457
Battle Hash - df03fdf08e8fa5040e33c4052301b47b3e03507ec1b190f2fef049b240691540