Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background lobotomizer
Item Background golden-tenderizer
29 cent hotdog
Wins - 13
Losses - 18
Total Bets: 500500500
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Item Background mr-thornies-armguards
Dennis Birdkamp
Wins - 91
Losses - 76
Total Bets: 100
Dennis Birdkamp won the fight!
- Summary -

The battle between Dennis Birdkamp and 29 cent hotdog was intense from the very start. The 29 cent hotdog must have said something deeply offensive because it didn’t take long for Dennis Birdkamp to get worked up. The first blow came from the 29 cent hotdog when it ruffled Dennis Birdkamp’s feathers. The insult was grave enough to prompt Dennis to start swinging his Bird Brained Flail with all his might.

As he did, something peculiar happened. Dennis Birdkamp began to spin in the air, flail in hand, like a helicopter. It was a bizarre sight that had the 29 cent hotdog at a disadvantage because it had never seen anything like it before. Dennis Birdkamp used the momentum to crash into the 29 cent hotdog with a force that could have knocked an elephant off its feet. The 29 cent hotdog never saw it coming and suffered a serious injury as a result.

The hotdog tried to regroup and retaliate but Dennis Birdkamp was relentless. He continued swinging his Bird Brained Flail with all his might, determined to teach the 29 cent hotdog a lesson. With each blow, the hotdog’s situation was getting worse by the minute. Then, when it seemed like things couldn’t get any worse, Dennis Birdkamp delivered the final blow that ended the battle. The 29 cent hotdog lay defeated, unable to get up and face Dennis Birdkamp again.

In the end, it was clear that Dennis Birdkamp was the ultimate victor in this fantasy battle of the chickens. His feather-ruffling opponent learned a brutal lesson that day about not provoking the wrong rooster.

- Battle Log -
29 cent hotdog has ruffled all of Dennis Birdkamp's feathers! (-8) Dennis Birdkamp swings the Bird Brained Flail like a helicopter allowing him to fly high into the air. He then smashes 29 cent hotdog's head with the force of 1000 cocks! (-24) 29 cent hotdog has a serious cut that is gushing blood... (-15) Dennis Birdkamp has defeated 29 cent hotdog! Block Height - 17071355 Battle Hash - 2c9493aff0f1c154ea3147ad640ad9418265e28bd23ee6d47873a19095a624b2