Item Background wishbone-shiv
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background bobs-burninator
Chief ChickenzY
Wins - 25
Losses - 31
Total Bets: 1050100
Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Cockodile Dundee
Wins - 152
Losses - 102
Total Bets: 987654321
Cockodile Dundee won the fight!
- Summary -

The fight between Cockodile Dundee and Chief ChickenzY was a fierce one that saw both chickens go all out against each other. Cockodile Dundee, known for his unconventional fighting style, started out by spitting glyphosate sprayed GMO corn into Chief ChickenzY’s face. The impact was immediate and intense, causing Chief ChickenzY to scream in agony for a full minute. The move dealt a considerable -10 damage to Chief ChickenzY.

However, Chief ChickenzY was not to be outdone; he managed to land a critical hit, sending Cockodile Dundee reeling. The hit took a staggering -18 damage and left Cockodile Dundee vulnerable, with blood streaming out of his nose.

The battle between the two chickens only intensified from this point on. Cockodile Dundee retaliated by charging up the Bird Brained Flail with electricity and electrocuting Chief ChickenzY. The move dealt a -10 damage, taking its toll on Chief ChickenzY’s body, and visibly weakening him.

Despite the damage, Chief ChickenzY rallied and managed to cut Cockodile Dundee with a powerful blow, causing the blood to pour out of the wound. The hit was a -15 lightning bolt, dealing severe harm to Dundee.

The battle went back and forth until Cockodile Dundee finally emerged victorious, with an impressive display of strength and agility. He took all the tendies with this win, affirming his position as the champion of the chicken world.

- Battle Log -
Cockodile Dundee spits glyphosate sprayed GMO corn into Chief ChickenzY's face! You could hear the screams a mile away! "No, not that, anything but Monsanto!" (-10) Chief ChickenzY lands a critical hit, sending Cockodile Dundee reeling! (-18) Cockodile Dundee's nose is bleeding... (-5) Cockodile Dundee charges up the Bird Brained Flail with electricity and electrocutes Chief ChickenzY! (-10) Chief ChickenzY has a large cut that is pouring blood... (-15) Cockodile Dundee has taken all the Tendies with this win! Block Height - 17061325 Battle Hash - bfb23e6a97a7a8b10aad7c20efb13c038097799e09638d1aa5227124c66352cc