Item Background kitchen-flame-mask
Item Background frog-skin-shield
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Super Fried Chicken #92
Wins - 0
Losses - 1
Total Bets: 1420420420420
Item Background secret-recipe
Item Background hunters-med-pack
Item Background bird-brained-flail
Tripz 4 Dayz
Wins - 112
Losses - 92
Total Bets: 10100
Tripz 4 Dayz won the fight!
- Summary -

In this fierce battle between Super Fried Chicken #92 and Tripz 4 Dayz, the two chickens traded blows and attacks, with feathers flying everywhere. Super Fried Chicken #92 started off strong, throwing the Bird Brained Flail at Tripz 4 Dayz, causing feathers to fly everywhere. However, Tripz 4 Dayz quickly retaliated, charging forward with their beak glowing red, leaving a sizzling burn mark on Super Fried Chicken #92.

Despite their initial success, Super Fried Chicken #92 suffered a deep cut that was bleeding rapidly. However, they managed to tickle Tripz 4 Dayz in a humiliating move, causing the latter to leave a trail of chicken pellets all over the pit. But Tripz 4 Dayz quickly bounced back, pouring hot oil on Super Fried Chicken #92’s face, causing them to screech in agony.

As the battle raged on, Super Fried Chicken #92 suffered a large cut that was pouring blood, while Tripz 4 Dayz continued to dominate, leaving their opponent battered and bruised. In the end, Tripz 4 Dayz emerged victorious, having completely dominated their opponent. It was a brutal and vicious fight, with both chickens giving it their all, but in the end, Tripz 4 Dayz came out on top.

- Battle Log -
Super Fried Chicken #92 throws the Bird Brained Flail at Tripz 4 Dayz, causing feathers to fly everywhere! (-13) Tripz 4 Dayz charges forward with their beak glowing bright red, jabbing Super Fried Chicken #92 and leaving a sizzling burn mark. (-5) Super Fried Chicken #92 has a deep cut that is bleeding rapidly... (-15) Super Fried Chicken #92 tickles the shit out of Tripz 4 Dayz. This is embarrassing, Tripz 4 Dayz is leaving a trail of chicken pellets all over the pit! (-13) Tripz 4 Dayz pours hot oil on Super Fried Chicken #92's face! (-5) Super Fried Chicken #92 has a large cut that is pouring blood... (-20) Tripz 4 Dayz has dominated his bitchass! Block Height - 17030295 Battle Hash - 2decd70e853250f6132d818247faa6c278aa135351bd56adcb4cb47dbe5575cf